Explain the Concept of "Big Data"?

Explain the Concept of "Big Data"

An explanation of big data

To begin, let us define "big data", Big data is defined by its increased diversity, larger volumes, and higher arrival rates. Sometimes referred to as "the three Vs." Big data refers to larger and more complicated datasets, often because they come from untapped or previously unstructured sources. Data sets of this size are too large for common data processing programs to handle. However, this abundance of data can be used to solve previously insurmountable business issues.

Size, Variety, and Velocity

  1. Big Data's Three Vital Signs Having a large amount of information is important to interpret massive amounts of sparse, unstructured information to deal with big data, which can be everything from Twitter feeds to clickstreams on a website, or mobile app to raw data from sensors might amount to tens of terabytes of information for certain businesses. It could be hundreds of petabytes for others.
  2. The speed with which information is received and (perhaps) acted upon is called "velocity." When comparing the rates at which data enters memory with that written to disk, memory typically wins out. Some internet-connected smart gadgets have a time-sensitive nature that necessitates instantaneous analysis and response.
  3. Data comes in various forms, hence the term "variety." Normalized data sets were easily stored in a relational database and benefited from its structure. Because of the proliferation of "big data," many formerly organized datasets now appear to be of an unstructured variety. More preprocessing is needed to infer meaning and support information from unstructured and semistructured data formats like text, audio, and video.

The Truth and Utility of Big Data

Recent years have seen the emergence of two new Vs: value and veracity. It's impossible to place a price on data. But until that value is uncovered, it serves no use. Is your data reliable and accurate?

These days, money can be made from big data. Consider some of the largest technology firms in the globe. Their data is a major differentiating factor, and they use it to improve operations and create innovative new offerings for customers.

Technology advancements in the last few years have drastically lowered the price of storing and processing data, making it feasible to store vastly more information than ever before. Now that large amounts of data are both affordable and easily available, businesses may improve the quality of their decisions.

Value discovery from large data goes beyond simple analysis (which is a whole other benefit). Analysts, business users, and executives who can ask the correct questions, spot trends, make reasonable assumptions and predict behaviour is essential to the discovery process as a whole. However, how did we come to be in this situation?

Big Data: Looking back at its Origins

Despite the novelty of "big data," the history of enormous data sets can be traced back to the early 1970s when the first data centres were built, and the relational database was created.

It wasn't until around 2005 that the sheer volume of data created by Facebook, YouTube, and other online services was fully appreciated. That same year saw the birth of Hadoop, an open-source platform designed primarily for storing and analyzing large datasets. During this period, NoSQL was also beginning to gain traction in the market.

Because of their accessibility and low storage costs, open-source frameworks like Hadoop (and, more recently, Spark) was crucial to the expansion of big data. Since then, the quantity of big data has increased exponentially. Yet, users continue to produce copious amounts of data, and it's not just people doing it.

A proliferation of internet-connected gadgets and devices has made it possible to track consumer behaviour and product efficacy. Even more, information is now available because of the development of machine learning.

Big data has gone a long way, but its real value has only just begun to be realized. In addition to the opportunities already presented by big data, cloud computing has opened up even more. Developers may quickly and easily spin up ad hoc clusters in the cloud to try out a portion of data, allowing for genuinely elastic scalability. Graph databases, with their capacity to visualize large volumes of data in a way that facilitates fast and thorough analysis, are also gaining significance.

A few Advantages of Big Data:

  • The increased information available in "big data" allows you to obtain more comprehensive solutions.
  • Having more information at your disposal implies you can have more faith in the data and take a different tack when solving challenges.

Big Data Use Cases

The use of big data can aid in many aspects of running a business, including improving the customer service process and conducting in-depth analyses. As an example, here are only a few.

  • Improvement of Products

Big data is used by businesses like Netflix and P&G to forecast consumer demand. By categorizing and modelling the relationship between critical qualities of existing products and services and their commercial performance, they create predictive models for future offers. Focus groups, social media, test markets, and early store rollouts also contribute to P&G's data and analytics for product planning, production, and launch.

  • Upkeep Prediction

Mechanical failure predictors could be buried amid terabytes of log entries, sensor data, error messages, and engine temperature readings, among other unstructured data. Organizations may reduce the cost of maintenance and increase the uptime of their parts and equipment by studying these warning signs before they become actual problems.

  • Customer Experience?

The race for customers is on. As a result, it's easier than ever to get a crystal-clear picture of how customers feel about your company. Big data allows you to collect information from various sources, such as social media, website analytics, and phone records, to enhance customer service and increase revenue. Get started making targeted offers, lowering client attrition, and solving problems before they become major.

  • Fraud and Compliance

In the world of cyber security, it's not just a few lone wolves you have to worry about; there are entire teams of professionals out to get you. Compliance regulations and other security-related benchmarks are always being updated. Big data allows for the rapid detection of fraudulent trends in data and the rapid compilation of vast amounts of data for use in regulatory reporting.

  • Machine Learning

The field of machine learning is currently quite popular. One of the reasons is because of data, and more especially, big data. Nowadays, we can educate machines instead of just programming them. This is made possible by the availability of large datasets for use in training machine learning models.

  • Effectivity in operations

Although improvements in operational efficiency resulting from the use of big data don't often make headlines, they are nonetheless occurring. The ability to examine and evaluate production, customer feedback and returns, and other elements in order to decrease downtime and foresee future demands is made possible by big data. Decisions can be made more efficiently and in response to market needs with the use of big data.

  • Properly propel new ideas forward

By analyzing the relationships between people, organizations, things, and processes, big data can help you come up with novel solutions to problems. Make better fiscal and strategic choices with the help of data analysis. Analyze market movements, and consumer needs to provide fresh offerings. Make use of variable pricing. Possibilities go on and on.

Problems with Big Data

Big data has the potential to revolutionize many industries, but it also presents some difficulties.

Big data is, first and foremost, a lot of information. While new data storage technologies have been developed, data volumes continue to double roughly every two years. Companies still have trouble keeping up with their data and finding efficient ways to store it.

Data storage, however, is not sufficient. Data is only useful if it is put to good use, and that in turn depends on careful curation. It takes a lot of work to get clean data, which are data that are relevant to the customer and arranged in a way that enables meaningful analysis. Between fifty percent and eighty percent of a data scientist's effort is spent on data curation and preparation before the data can be used.

At last, the technology behind big data is evolving quickly. Apache Hadoop was the go-to large data processing tool until recently. In 2014, Apache Spark emerged as an alternative. An method that takes into account elements of both frameworks is currently preferred. It's difficult to always be on the cutting edge of big data technology.

The Inner Workings of Big Data

The new perspectives you gain from analyzing massive amounts of data can lead to innovative approaches to running your organization. In order to get things rolling, you must do the following three things:

  • Prioritize the Whole Over the Parts

The term "big data" refers to the consolidation of information from a wide variety of channels and software programs. Extract, transformation, and loading (ETL) and other similar methods of integrating data are often insufficient. Terabyte- or even petabyte-scale big data collections call for novel approaches and tools for analysis. It is important to bring in the data, process it, and have it ready in a format that your business analysts can use during the integration process.

  • Control

To store big data, you need space. In terms of data storage, you have several options: the cloud, your own servers, or a hybrid of the two. If you're using an on-demand data storage service, you may keep your data in any format you choose and apply any processing rules and process engines you need whenever you need to. Where an individual's data already resides is a major factor in the decision of which storage option to use. The cloud is growing in favour of a convenient computing solution since it can meet your immediate needs and scale your business.

  • Dissect

Big data is only useful when it is analyzed and put to use. See the forest for the trees by comparing and contrasting your data visually. If you want to find out more, you should look into the facts a little deeper. Don't keep your research to yourself. Develop your data models with ML and AI. Use the information you have.

Guidelines for Big Data Success

We've compiled some essential best practices for working with big data to aid you on your journey. Following these steps will help you lay the groundwork for a prosperous big data venture.

  • Align the use of big data with your company's objectives.

You can make new discoveries with bigger data sets. As a result, it is essential to establish a solid business-driven framework for any new investments in personnel, procedures, or physical plant to ensure the project's continued success and financial viability. Asking how your main business and IT priorities are supported and enabled by big data might help you tell if you're on the right track. Knowing how to filter site logs for insight into e-commerce behaviour, gleaning sentiment from social media and customer care contacts, and comprehending statistical correlation methods and their applicability to the customer, product, manufacturing, and engineering data are just a few examples.

  • Addressing the skills gap through regulation and oversight.

The lack of necessary skills is preventing you from getting the most out of your big data investment. It is possible to reduce this threat by incorporating big data technologies, considerations, and decisions into your IT governance framework. Using a consistent method will help you save money and maximize your resources. Companies employing big data strategies and solutions should regularly analyze their skill needs and anticipate any shortages in talent. Training/cross-training current personnel, adding new personnel, and employing the services of consultants are all viable options for resolving these issues.

  • Set up a hub of expertise to boost information sharing.

Put in place a centre of excellence to facilitate learning, manage project communications, and ensure quality control. Both the soft and hard costs associated with big data can be distributed across the business, regardless of whether it is a new or growing investment. Implementing this strategy is a methodical technique to improve big data capabilities and information architecture maturity.

  • Aligning unstructured with structured data has the highest return.

Independent investigation of large data sets is useful. But by linking and integrating huge low-density data with the structured data you're already using, you can deliver even better business insights. The purpose of any data collection effort, be it customer, product, equipment, or huge environmental data, is to enrich existing master data and analytical summaries with new and more relevant information from which more accurate conclusions can be drawn. Big data is seen by many as an inherent extension of existing business intelligence skills, data warehousing platforms, and information architecture, for instance, to differentiate between the sentiments of all customers and those of only your best customers. It's important to remember that big data analytical procedures and models can be either human or machine-based. Analytics for big data can be performed using tools like statistics, geographical analysis, semantics, interactive discovery, and visualization. Analytical models allow you to draw connections and find patterns in seemingly unrelated data from a variety of sources.

  • You need a well-designed, high-functioning discovery lab.

Sometimes it can be difficult to find patterns in your data and draw conclusions. At other times, we have no idea what it is that we're supposed to be found. That's to be anticipated. This "absence of direction" or "absence of defined requirements" requires backing from management and IT. Analysts and data scientists need to collaborate closely with the company to identify major knowledge gaps and needs. The use of high-performance workspaces is essential for interactive data exploration and the testing of statistical methods. Make sure sandboxes have the resources they require, as well as adequate oversight.

  • Adopt a cloud-based operating system

Users and processes involved with big data need a lot of tools for both rapid prototyping and steady-state operation of production activities. Transactional data, master data, reference data, and summary data are all part of a big data solution. On-demand sandboxes for analysis are recommended. Data pre-and post-processing, integration, in-database summarization, and analytical modelling are all processes that require careful use of available resources to maintain quality control to accommodate these modifications, and it is crucial to have a well-thought-out strategy for provisioning and securing both private and public clouds.

Kind Regard,
Fadhil M Basysyar,M.Kom, CDS


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