Explain Business Equity and the Assumptions of TVs Shark?Tank
David Barnett
I help you buy or sell a business anywhere with appraisal, consulting , coaching and training services.
Have you got your bathing suit on?
This week I get a question from YouTube viewer on da track who asks, ‘What does equity in a business mean? The Shark Tank guys are always saying they’ll pay $X for X% of the equity?!?’
Super-Duper question.
In today’s video, I talk about what equity is on a balance sheet and why that number rarely matches what people say the equity is worth.
We’ll also discuss some of the assumptions that lie under the choppy surface of show’s like Shark Tank and Dragon’s Den.
Grab your flippers, let’s dive in with the sharks here: https://youtu.be/3VFXadgoLQ8
Learn how to buy a business and avoid start up risk: https://www.BusinessBuyerAdvantage.com
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