Explain the Bug/Defect Life Cycle..?

Explain the Bug/Defect Life Cycle..?

Bug Life Cycle-:

  1. Bug life cycle talk about the complete life cycle of the bug from time the bug is encounter until the bug is closed.
  2. As soon as the test engineer encounter the bug and create the bug report initial keep the status new/open
  3. The test engineer sended to the bug report to the concerned developer to change the status assigned.
  4. The concerned developer go through the bug report and reduce the bud by the following step, where exactly code changes required does the necessary code changes.
  5. Once the code changes are done the developer changes the status of the bug is fixed
  6. If the bug is no more on the application after the code changes the test engineer change the status is closed
  7. If the bug still exist after the code changes the status as reopen reopen bug are bi default reassigned to the same developer.
  8. The process will be continuous until the bug is closed

Other status of the bug life cycle-:

  • Invalid Bug
  • Duplicate Bug
  • Deferred Bug
  • Not-reproduable
  • Can't Fixed Bug
  • Request for Enhancement



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