By : M.S.Yatnatti Editor and Video Journalist Bengaluru : Reportedly experts have claimed, that traditional 9am lectures should be scrapped and students should be allowed to start their day later, following new research that suggests early mornings interfere with young adults' body clocks. According to researchers at The Open University , lectures should start no earlier than 11am for students to be able to perform at their best. Working with researchers at the University of Nevada, experts analyzed the study patterns of 200 students and found academic performance was at its best between 11am and 9.30pm. If universities were to choose a new standard starting time, the group suggested ―anywhere between 11am and 1pm― would be ―close to optimal― for the average undergraduate student. ―Sleep loss, in turn, impairs academic performance and also elevates risks of obesity , depression, and drug abuse. While genetic factors lead to variations in circadian rhythms of up to four hours from the average, age and gender can also play a part in determining how easily a person can learn early in the morning. The findings conflict with another recent study that suggested students should readjust their biological clocks to cope with early mornings by avoiding the lights from smart phones and laptops at night. Reportedly Author Anthony Trollope published 47 novels, writing 1,000 words an hour between 5am and 8am every day . ―All those I think who have lived as literary men will agree with me that that three hours a day will produce as much as a man ought to write,― he wrote. Charles Dickens worked in his study for only five hours a day--from 9am until 2pm, with a break for lunch.Not just writers, even great mathematicians and scientists didn't slog. French mathematician Henri Poincaré, who wrote 30 books and 500 papers, ―did his hardest thinking between 10am and noon, and again between 5 and 7 in the afternoon,― says an article in Nautilus.―.Journalist Malcolm Gladwell's bestseller Outliers spread the idea that 10,000 hours of practice can make you an expert in any field, but the Nautilus article points out Gladwell glossed over the importance of rest. ―The top performers actually slept about an hour a day more than the average performers.―Rest has been reduced to a blind spot these days as everyone has a tendency to ―focus on focused work. This is how we've come to believe that world-class performance comes after 10,000 hours of practice. But that's wrong. It comes after 10,000 hours of deliberate practice,12,500 hours of deliberate rest, and 30,000 hours of sleep. Every employee is an entrepreneur today .companies have started treating employees as short-term assets, and they, in turn, have they reinvented themselves as marketable goods, always ready to quit, always on the look-out for the next good opportunity. So, every person should think of herself as a business — Me, Inc — and to survive this new world of work, the CEO of Me, Inc — the employee — must be a quitter, The idea of work has changed so much in the last 20 years that employees are looking to quit from the moment they start at a job. Experts state that Governments should not provide welfare, but should exist only to organize markets, ensure they function well, and promote competition and innovation. If the company wasn’t making commitments, employees weren’t willing to pledge loyalty. It was sensible for a person to pick a job with an eye on learning skills that could be used in future in another company. In short, a job is a good job if it will lead to another job with another company. ―People should view themselves as a business — a bundle of skills, assets, qualities, experiences and relationships to be managed and continually enhanced,‖. Entrepreneurs need to learn how to sell online. The must know how to validate their products. A lot of entrepreneurs need to learn how to get their story out there. Customers need to know what is unique about the product. Branding thier product is important how to put the product in front of the right customer, how to price it and handle promotion are very important . Number one is always finding demand. Product strategy has to be aligned with customer demand. B2C has more opportunity.Be your own boss .Create a startup and be your own boss .Let it be small or big be your own boss .A small seed can become big tree .You have to have passion commitment and good idea good networking skills .A start up need to have a well documented business plan investment strategy and including exit options to angel investors in the start itself aslater problem should noy crop up with founders. You should have good product and it should be in need and it should have better feature than other products. what is not working discontinue it .Scale it as demand grows .Do not ignore Marketing .Growth capital is very important but do not over raise the finance and hire good talent as an when it is required .Do not over pay as it will be very difficult to manage the start up.Time is everything .Be different find right investors and venture capitalists and not vulture capitalists. Raise money intelligently find the right people be sure and flexible .Do not ignore open source technology. Well documented code of conduct is very important for every employee.and directors of the startup. Well defined Information technology is one of the biggest mass employers. Be different startup .Find unsolved problems of customers and solve it, everybody has problems. Many have many problems .Few problems are universal. Few problems are local few are national and few are international .Find unsolved problems. Companies succeed because they solve and understand the unsolved problem and come up with solutions that are very different from what others do. Put yourself in the customer's position; perhaps you would have experienced a pain point yourself. You may not fully understand the difficulty unless you experience it yourself .Develop deep customer insights. Secret of your success is in Passion, determination, vision, agility, team play, fund-raising skills. What exactly defines the DNA of a booming startup? What do some of the biggest names in the investment community look for in startups and entrepreneurs Clarity of vision Domain expertise? What key factors do successful entrepreneurs attribute to their triumph? Need to be understood diligently. IT major Infosys has reportedly increased the salary of its top executives but the base scale for entry-level software engineers has not changed for more than five years. According to experts, starting salaries offered by other IT companies are in the same range. Information technology is one of the most important mass employer in the country today providing significant value addition and employment creation. The market rate for freelancers depends on the specific industry. Freelance writers for instance will calculate their hourly rates based on words typed per hour.To get a better understanding of your industry wage, you can check out the by Googaling Freelance Income Reports 2016 on internet . It is reported that few market research reports recently surveyed over 23,000 freelancers from numerous industries to determine average hourly wages. While the worldwide average hourly rate charged by freelancers is $21, the rate per industry varies heavily. Freelance web designers earn an average hourly wage of $23 per hour, for example, while language translators earn approximately $17 per hour. It roughly translates Indian rupees 1500/- per hour .Competitors’ rates shouldn’t necessarily dictate your own; however, understanding the average hourly rates of other freelancers with similar skills, education and experience will ensure that you aren’t pricing yourself out of your market (either by charging too much, or too little).Freelancing opportunities are growing rapidly across many industries. Finding work is perhaps single most the toughest part for a freelancer. He has to knock on many doors and spend time, money and energy trying to get work. You can grab freelancing assignments not only in your city or in India but literally in any corner of the world. According to one report , every third user of is from India.The US-based website helps freelancers get assignments and takes a cut when the deal is done . It's a trend that is slowly catching on. A growing number of professionals is junking regular employment to try their hands at freelancing. They are driven by the dream to be independent and work on their own terms without the straitjacket of a 9-to-5 job. To be fair, freelancing does unshackle the individual from the tyranny of corporate hierarchy. The jobs are everywhere. What you need to do is find the niche that matches your expertise. "Don't go by just the current demand, but also assess how it will shape up in the coming years.It pays to keep yourself abreast of the latest developments in your chosen field. The websites giving freelancing jobs need to be properly researched,,,,,,, are few of them . However, do conduct a background check before you deal with these websites. Ask other freelancers about their experiences and other details. Social media sites like LinkedIn and Facebook have changed the definition of networking. Apart from the money factor, freelancing takes away a lot of your free time. For clients, a freelancer is a vendor they can call 24x7. Don't be surprised if you get calls at 8 am or 9 pm from a client. This is especially true if he is based abroad and is on a different time zone. "If you are working on a project with tight deadlines, you may have to forget your weekends,". For starters, there is no stability of income as in a regular job. As they say, you have to dig a well every day to drink water. You can never be sure about the next project. For those saddled with financial responsibilities, it can lead to a sticky situation if there is a long dry spell on the work front. The other problem is that when you start out, you cannot quote very high rates. Few of freelancing opportunities: Content writing general Rs 1to2 per word and special technical and professional writing Rs 5 to 10 .E-Tutoring for lower classes Rs 200 per hour and 600-800 for professional courses .Data analysis 400-800 per hour .Corporate training Rs 5000- to 20,000/ per training session of 4 hours. Website design Rs 20,00/- per website .Freelance recruiter Rs 5000/- t0 20,000/- per placements. Do you have the passion to excel, urge to be creative, a never-ending thirst for knowledge and the desire to grow? Then, Indian ICT companies are the right place for you because they focus on building a culture of innovation and breakthrough thinking, which results in value creation. The work environment and corporate culture ensures your personal and professional development along with the overall growth of their organizations. Freelance Recruiters: IT companies need to recruit the recruiters and partner with Freelance Recruiters / small and effective search firms / recruiting or staffing agencies / recruiting vendors if they want to be super successful.A study by IT expert in recruitment process outsourcing shows that the recruitment industry is going through a crunch of 200 professionals every day. IT companies need to build the militia for the warfare. Simultaneously, build the army," is the advice of , Lead, HR and Recruiting, experts in India, for young HR managers. The `War for Talent is a reality, and it need to handle the problem of the growing lacuna in HR talent, particularly recruiters, in the country. It's clear India does not have enough HR horsepower to handle the needs of the IT/ITES (IT-enabled services) industry. These sectors in the country, expected to employ about two million people by 2016, i.e, double the number of people they employ today, will predictably suffer from a severe shortage of competent HR talent soon. According to industry estimates, in the people's business, for every 50-75 person recruited, one HR job gets created. This roughly translates into a demand for 40,000 people skilled in the HR area for the tech sector alone in the next three years.This excludes the needs of other booming sectors such as retail, telecom, textiles and the recruitment industry itself, which needs as many people. A study by IT recruitment process outsourcing firm, shows that the recruitment industry is going through a crunch of 200 professionals every day.Large organisations are often recruiting in excess of 1,000 people per year and one recruiter can effectively handle 5-20 placements a month. Generally recruiting teams are often as large as 15-20 people, with some organisations having recruiting teams with over 150 people. If you don't have people, you lose billing hours which translates into loss of revenue." Therefore the war for talent is now beginning at source: i.e., hirers are being hired first, both at recruitment divisions of companies and at recruitment firms. The country produces one million graduates every year. With a little bit of training, this pool can be filled easily. Readers can look into List of websites of IT Companies in India at Contract Staffing is dependent completely on the Staffing Partners empanelled. According to industry estimates, the current RPO market is around Rs. 10,000 crore in India with HR companies offering RPO as one of their services. Be alert as a job scam occurs when someone offers you a fictitious job opportunity, typically through a false website or unsolicited e-mail. The victim is often asked to provide personal information and/or payments to the solicitor. If you get a job offer that seems like it’s too good to be true, be sure to do your homework – it probably is. Scammers are beginning to use well-known brands to entice job seekers to apply to their fictitious positions. It has been observed and reported and alleged that that certain agencies/individuals have been making job offers on behalf of Accenture and other IT companies. in exchange for money. Important notice about careers at Accenture is published at Accenture website at .Accenture has not authorized any agency, company or individual to either collect money or arrive on any monetary arrangement in exchange for a job at Accenture. Accenture’s criterion for hiring candidates is merit. Any agency, company or individual offering employment with Accenture in exchange for money is misrepresenting their relationship with Accenture, which has not authorized any such action .Accenture reserves the right to initiate police complaints against any individual or entity that is found to be engaging in such an act. Accenture is not obliged or bound to honor any job assurances made through such means, particularly in exchange for money. Accenture has appointed professional recruitment agencies to extend / offer employment to Accenture, subject to those candidates possessing the relevant skills. If you are approached by any entity or individuals who demand money or any other form of compensation in return for a job offer at Accenture – even if they present themselves as representatives or employees of Accenture – please send us the details at [email protected] now sends out digitally signed offer letters to Page: 2; Daily News and Views on Property Matters and Political Matters, Online TV & Cyber media. Saturday 30-01-2021 ―Blunt and Sharp Daily News Portal‖ Website at: Mobile: 9945116476 ======================================================================= ================================================================================================================================ Online Portal Edited Printed Published and Owned By M.S YATNATTI No.107 , Ground Floor ―Royal Residency‖ Apartment Complex ―Enkay Farms Valagerahalli, Dubasiplaya Kengeri Bangalore – 560 059 Editor –In –Chief M.S YATNATTI E-mail :[email protected] Phone : 9945116476 Unsolicited material may not be returned. The opinion of writers are their own ,not our .We are not responsible for incorrect advertisement listings and .We do all we can to ensure correctness ,but readers are advised to recheck with concerned establishment before entering into binding contract .No part of this publication should reproduced without our written permission. Legal jurisdiction restricted to Bangalore only candidates who are shortlisted to join us. These offer letters contain a unique reference number on the bottom of the first page in the document. A candidate can check the authenticity of the offer letter by visiting the site and providing the required information. For any clarifications, do reach us on [email protected] job interviews are regarded as the platform for recruiters to assess the candidate applying for the job, the trend is reversing with the candidates asking many questions about the job to ensure they are applying for the right position. The questions not only help the candidates assess the job for their interest, this also provides a great cue for the recruiters to assess the candidates on their aptitude for the job. Accenture, found online at, says that they are one of the world’s leading organizations providing management consulting, technology, and outsourcing services.Started in the 1950s when General Electric installed their first company computer system, Accenture has since grown both in the size of its company and employees as well as the scope and variety of the services they offer.Currently Accenture employs more than 260,000 people in offices located in more than 200 different cities in 54 countries around the world. People who are interested in career opportunities with this company can check out for open positions and potential employment circumstances. When companies and corporations started heavily relying on computer systems, Accenture was primarily a technology consultant and systems integrator. But as computers became more sophisticated, so did the services offered by Accenture. If you think their solutions can work for you, you should contact the company directly to see how these solutions can be personalized to your needs. Fraudulent offers are a matter of serious concern across the IT industry today. Watch this video to find out more about the problem and what you can do to avoid falling prey to recruitment scams. Share this information with your colleagues, friends, and family and help spread the word More on HCL's Work Culture interview process at HCL is reproduced


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