Experts Corner-2-Go

Experts Corner-2-Go

The first round of our well-being survey was recently finalized, with more than 100 respondents participating across multiple sectors.

The results are eye-opening, to say the least! One striking revelation?

A mere 8% of organizations rigorously measure, track, and report well-being progress to their leadership. Keep an eye on the BSI Consulting LinkedIn page for the full breakdown of our findings.

In the spotlight

The healthcare sector ranks third in cyberattacks, with breaches costing an average of $9.23 million in the US alone.

Prepare your organization to prevent, detect, respond to, and recover from attack with our package of guides. Including:

  • ?IoMT guide:?risks of wearables and how to counteract them
  • Penetration Testing vs. Attack Simulation guide:?side-by-side comparison of?both testing methods?
  • Enhance your penetration testing regime:?insights paper exploring red teaming and project-oriented testing
  • Maturity Framework:?identify the type of testing to match your needs
  • Testing options:?descriptions of 10?common types of testing

Download guides

New on Experts Corner

As you prepare for the next fiscal year, properly planning and budgeting for EHS initiatives is crucial for maximizing compliance while reducing risk and achieving your continuous improvement goals.

Download our 2025 EHS planning roadmap to discover best practices to consider during the budget planning process.


#EHS #SafetyFirst #SustainableBusiness #Budget2025

Daniel Smith, P.E., BSI Consulting, Practice Director specializing in environmental gives an overview of steps organizations can take towards managing PFAS - the ‘forever chemical’ threatening our health and planet.

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#PFAS #PFASReporting #EnvironmentalSafety

International trade plays a significant role in today's global economy, but with it comes a variety of security risks.

The Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) program was initially established to address these threats while enhancing supply chain security for organizations involved in global trade.

Catch up on Tony Pelli, Practice Director at BSI Consulting’s blog series so far to learn more about the program and how it’s evolved over the last 20 years. Stay tuned for parts 5 & 6!

#CTPAT #securityguidelines #BSIUSA

Floods can contribute to cross-contamination of sewage and potable water systems, disrupt power sources, and make transportation corridors unsafe. Shannondor Marquez, MBA, CHEP, CHSP, MEP, MTS, BSI Consulting, Consultant discusses how organizations can prepare for disruptions to business operations from these events.

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#FloodPreparedness #BusinessContinuity #CrisisManagement #EmergencyPreparedness

Are you prepared for the new PFAS reporting requirements?

New Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements under the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) mandate comprehensive reporting on PFAS, meaning organizations need to accurately identify, track, and report PFAS present within their products and supply chains.

BSI Consulting is here to guide you through this process to ensure regulatory compliance, while keeping costs to a minimum.

Learn how we can support you

#EPARegulations #PFASReporting #TSCACompliance #EnvironmentalCompliance

Gain insights from industry expert Conor Hogan, Commercial Director & GTM Architect at BSI Consulting harmonizing personalization with robust privacy protections. You’ll learn advanced techniques to balance personalization and privacy and strategies to earn and maintain consumer trust in your digital offerings.


Join us for our interactive webinar, “Let’s talk trash: Waste management in healthcare.” We’ll explore the complexities of waste management in hospital settings. You’ll learn how to identify and manage hazardous waste, motivate your team to follow protocols, and put your knowledge to the test with our interactive quiz.


Transforming ethical policies into tangible practices isn’t just good corporate citizenship, it’s essential. Join Kimberly Rodriguez and Tim Fergus, from BSI Consulting to learn how to ensure your supply chain meets high ethical standards. This session will equip you with the tools to strengthen your supply chain integrity.

Register now

#socialcompliance #ethicalsupplychains #duediligence #BSI

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We want to hear from you. Our experts have over 50 years of combined experience in supply chain, sustainability, environmental, health, safety, and digital trust industries.

Take advantage of their knowledge and submit a question today.


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