Expertise is not Valuable Alone
Russell Pearson CSP
Hall of Fame Inductee | Top Voice in Consulting | Host of the Your Consulting Business Podcast | Business Blacksmith – We Support Super Smart Consultants to Forge Successful Consulting Businesses.
Being an expert does not automatically make you valuable. Your value comes from your ability to create outcomes in the lives of others. So knowing becoming a student of the audiences you serve is key to connecting the dots.
The dots are the steps between the Symptoms they’re suffering from and what they want instead. A.K.A. Outcomes. You see most consultants will focus on Solutions. They’ve been doing it since the nineties when you were nobody without a ’SOLUTION’. But that was back in the nineties and times have changed. Not only have times changed but the way people buy has changed.
If you want to engage a prospect the old wisdom was to find a NEED and FILL IT. Needs are things that people act on when they don’t have a choice. I need to do my taxes. I need to go to the doctor. I’d much rather be doing something else. Doing what I WANT! I know I’m a child, but the rest of the world is very much the same. Clients will happily buy what they want and reluctantly purchase what they need.
They also buy to prevent what they DON’T WANT. The problems they perceive in their lives. But if you're like most consultants you know that the problem they perceive is rarely the cause of their troubles. In fact, the cause is almost never the symptom they are suffering from.?
I experienced this from a business coach years ago. I told him I wanted to stop procrastinating. He told me procrastination was not my problem. I said, “Yes it is, that’s why I’m here”. He said, “No it’s not that it’s something else”. We got into an argument and he didn’t get my business. I felt unheard during the conversation. Now, years later I did work out how to stop procrastinating and YES it wasn’t the cause of my problem.?
But had he said, “OK, so you’re procrastinating and you want to stop, is that right?”I would have said “YES!” and then if it followed with “Would you like help with that?”I would have said “YES” again. You see selling to needs and being ‘right’ does not win work. Speaking to the symptoms of those you wish to serve and then serving them what they need through a diagnostic process is good practice.
The value you create is in your connection to the prospect experience. Meet them where they are at, rather than expect them to meet you at your years of expertise. Pace them and Lead them on their journey. Because they must accept your leadership before they will follow.
As a consultant, you always have a choice. It's one of the main reasons I love this profession. In this case, you can choose to "meet 'em where they're at", engage them at a symptomatic level and lead them to an outcome, or you can choose to be ‘right’, prove them wrong, and maybe they'll accept your lesson.
At the end of the day, what value are you wanting to create? The choice is up to you.
?? Stay Passionate!
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Russell Pearson ?is the founder of the FORGE. A Business Program for Solo Consultants, Advisors, and Specialist Service Providers who want the freedom and flexibility to work when they want.
You can contact him directly here:? ?
Helping B2B & B2C companies reduce their client acquisition cost and increase sales ? Digital Marketing ? Lead Generation ? Brand Growth
1 年One need to understand the needs and desires of your audience and also need to be able to connect their symptoms to the root causes of their problems. Once they understand the root causes, they can provide solutions that will help them achieve their desired outcomes.
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1 年This is a great, love your photo
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1 年Find a want. Figure out the underlying need. Sell to the want, and solve the need. Great thoughts here. Thank you.