Expertise, Eloquence and Enterprise
Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning continuous improvement
?Any professional organisation has a requirement for continuing education
?However, beyond what is ‘required’, many are so passionate about their chosen field that they naturally extend and better themselves beyond ‘necessity’. Experts and high performers develop skills and attributes
?In any context, there are three sets of skills that you need to develop;
?·?????? Expertise / Purpose
·?????? Eloquence / Proficiency
·?????? Enterprise / Profit
?Expertise – is knowing your stuff, having expert/in-depth knowledge on the content material. But to pick a subject to specialise in and learn it inside out, it must align with your values or else you’ll never keep at it. To become the specialist, the ‘go-to’ person for those who need an expert in whatever it is you do, you’ve got to love it intrinsically, whether it’s your work, home life or hobby. This is doing with purpose what you want.
?Eloquence – is becoming the ‘best version of you’ as an athlete, a boss, parent, friend, etc., having the right mindsets and becoming highly skilled in your relational and communication skills
?Enterprise – is how well you get yourself out there; your selling, marketing or self-promotion. It’s about niche marketing
?There are many individual goals that can be set within each of these areas. But they must align with your values, abilities and resources. A good coach will help you clarify your values and intentions, and support you in achieving these goals.
?So, now over to you. Here are some self-coaching questions for your own personal development;
?Expertise –
·?????? Where do you want to excel? As what? At what? Where? When? With whom?
·?????? What are you so passionate to know/learn about that it gives your life purpose and meaning (work, sports, parenting)?
·?????? What do you love and want to know more about?
·?????? Where do you want to be the expert?
·?????? Get a notebook and set some goals
?Eloquence –
·?????? What do you need to get better at?
·?????? Where can you become more elegant? (communicating to your kids, employees, etc.)
·?????? What seemingly unrelated areas can you master that will make your expertise and eloquence in your chosen arena even better?
·?????? What do you need to improve? What else? …and what else again?
·?????? In your notebook, define and put in order of importance the things you need to improve. Set some goals for doing these.
?Enterprise –
·?????? Who do you need to talk to, or with?
·?????? Whose help do you need to achieve your goals?
·?????? Who would benefit from you achieving your goals?
·?????? Who do you most want to influence? (kids, staff, fans, bosses, clients)
·?????? In your notebook, list these people and develop a plan to speak with them.
??As you answer these questions, you can start to develop an overall vision and mission for making your life truly meaningful. For more on vision and mission towards high-performance, check out Resilience – How to be Mentally Tough. But remember, these are just initial questions to get you started – they’ll lead to deeper questions. If you want help delving deeper, contact me for some one-on-one coaching.