Expert Tips You Need on How to Apply for the Best Scholarships

Expert Tips You Need on How to Apply for the Best Scholarships

Every day, many more students are requiring financial support to pursue higher degrees and programs, and scholarships are the most preferred and common type of financial aid. Scholarships make it easier to pursue educational and career goals by breaking down financial barriers and giving students better access to quality education. In essence, the best time to begin applying for scholarships is as soon as you have decided to study abroad and before the deadlines of the scholarships you hope to win.

This timeframe differs for everyone; for some students, that will mean applying before the start of their senior year of high school, for others, that will mean applying after they’ve finished submitting college applications. ?For others, it could mean applying while they’re in college. The most important thing is to apply in due time, Follow these tips below:

1. Create a list of top scholarship opportunities

Every student applying for scholarships should note that it is important that they keep a list that prioritizes opportunities based on several factors. These factors include scholarship deadlines, skills that make you a unique fit for the scholarship and the amount of money you'd win if chosen. Though this list might look a little different for each candidate, never forget that the goal is to apply for all of the best scholarships in a timely manner. When it comes to prioritizing scholarships, don’t disregard some scholarships because they seem too huge or too-good-to-be-true, assuming you’ll never win it. Remember that trying never hurt anyone, right!

2. Ensure Your Essay Stands Out

Another way to make your application stand out is to write the essay from a unique perspective and storyline. You have nothing to worry about as long as you’re thoroughly answering the prompt and using your best writing skills. The only time you should refrain from a unique writing style is if your application has specific instructions surrounding the writing style.

For example, imagine that the essay question is “why do you want to study Creative Writing?”. A lot of the applicants will respond with something along the lines of “I love to write poems which is why...” Although this reason is an acceptable one, it is not an interesting one. What you should do instead, is to approach the answer to this question differently. It is okay to deploy a bit of storytelling and paint a graphic image of how you fell in love with writing and the Arts. Please note that he deeper you can portray that you are open enough to tell your personal stories, the better.?

3. Don't hoard your application

We all need second opinions and when it comes to your applications, we need it even more. Letting another person have a look over your application can save you from a lot of issues. They could help check for typos, punctuation errors and grammar misuse. Often times, a second pair of eyes can notice things about our writing that we have overlooked, like tautology, oversharing or a boring essay. What's more! Your family and friends can provide helpful insight on how to get robust scholarships that you disregarded for other reasons.

4. Don't skimp on applying

More! More! ?More! When it comes to scholarships, this should remain your mantra. Because truly, more is always better! If you did not know, there’s no limit to how many scholarships you can apply for and applying for more at a time only increases your chances. To begin, try setting time each week simply dedicated to applying for scholarships. To remain accountable to yourself, you could try setting a monthly goal of how many scholarships you’d like to apply for. Remember again, more is always better.



