“Expert Advice”
Ana Umbelina Neves
Counsellor, Trainer & Educator | Education & Wellbeing Specialist | NOW ON AMAZON: "Emotion Aware" & "Flourish Your Peace"
When a certain distinguished logician appeared to have died, he was certified dead by physicians and his body prepared for burial. He woke up in the middle of the night on a slab in the mortuary, surrounded by deceased bodies, and, figuring out what had happened, he fainted. Next day, a long funeral cortege formed to mourn and celebrate the life of the famous man. The mourners passed through the town, chanting, wailing, and beating gongs and drums. At the gates of the cemetery, the noise roused the inhabitant of the coffin to consciousness once again. He lifted the lid and shouted, “I’m alive, I’m alive. Look, I’m not dead.” But the mourners all said, “Ridiculous, you’ve been certified dead by medical experts. Death is not the province of logicians.” And so, they buried him.
Source: Unknown