Experiments Design
Experimental Study
A researcher conducts an experimental study, or more simply, an experiment, by assigning subjects to certain experimental conditions and then observing outcomes on the response variable (or variables). The experimental conditions, which correspond to assigned values of the explanatory variable, are called treatments.
Observational Study
In an observational study, the researcher observes values of the response variable and explanatory variables for the sampled subjects, without anything being done to the subjects (such as imposing a treatment)
Sample Survey
A sample survey selects a sample of subjects from a population and collects data from them. In the field of statistics a survey does not just indicate an opinion poll or a questionnaire; it includes any information gathered from or about the subject
Sampling Frame
The sampling frame is the list of subjects in the population from which the sample is taken.
Simple Random Sample
A simple random sample of n subjects from a population is one in which each possible sample of that size has the same chance of being selected.
Types of Bias in Sample Surveys
lying) or the way the interviewer asks the questions (or wording of a question in print) is confusing or misleading.
The Role of Randomization in Experiments
Use randomization for assigning subjects to the treatments
Key Parts of a Good Experiment