Experimenting with ChatGPT in Preparing Case Study Teaching Plan

Experimenting with ChatGPT in Preparing Case Study Teaching Plan


A. HOMEWORK Semifinal Teaching Plan for United Cereal

B. Final Teaching Plan for United Cereal Case (For MBA with 3-5 years experiences) 

C. Revised Teaching Plan for United Cereal Case (Undergraduate Business Students)

D. Revised Teaching Plan for United Cereal Case (Executive Audience with 20+ Years of Experience)        

A. HOMEWORK Semifinal Teaching Plan for United Cereal

####The prompt

YOU ARE A professor of General Management and teaching MBA with 3-5 years of work experience. You are using United Cereal casein a 80minutes long class. The case describes a large, multinational breakfast foods company considering launching a new cereal to sell across Europe. The company’s manager is considering creating a single brand across all of Europe despite the company’s established history of managing countries separately. The manager (Lora Brill, European VP) is also considering having a Europe-wide team implement the launch.

 The case focuses on two important decisions facing Brill: 
1. Strategically, should Healthy Berry Crunch become the company's first Eurobond and be introduced in a coordinated manner Eruopewide? 
2. Organizationally, should she create Eurobond teams to implement her proposed euro brand concept. 

Your goals are for the students to discuss: 
1. How to balance addressing local country preferences with multinational efficiency 
2. The impact of organizational structure choices on implementation. 
3. How to manage innovation in a multinational company? 

Your pre-class assignments are for the students to answer: 
1. How do they assess Lora Brill's Eurobarand proposals? 
2. What are the implications of the Eurobond Teams proposals? 
3. What advice would they give Brill? 


Please provide a timeline (when to move on to the next action) and which black board to use and what to draw in sequence. (Center, Right, Left Blackboard, 2nd Layer Center, Right, Left Blackboard, and 3rd Layer Center, Right and Left Blackboard). 

Please provide possible students' answers to be filled in the blackboards. And in each sequence, please provide possible sidelines / out of the box questions, and what to do with them should they occur. 

Please provide a 5 minutes closing.        
Pastures questions during homework


Class Duration: 80 minutes

Case: United Cereal – Launching a New Cereal in Europe

Class Context: MBA students with 3-5 years of work experience


### 1. Opening Discussion (10 minutes)

Opening Question:

“What are the key strategic challenges Lora Brill faces in deciding whether to launch Healthy Berry Crunch as a Eurobrand?”

Ideal Student to Call On:

A student with a background in marketing or strategy, preferably with experience in a multinational company. This student should articulate the complexities of balancing global strategies with local market needs.

Expected Student Responses:

- Challenges in aligning local market preferences with a pan-European strategy.

- Risks of losing local market relevance.

- Potential benefits of economies of scale and brand consistency across Europe.

Blackboard (Center, 1st Layer):

- Left: "Strategic Challenges"

- Middle: "Global vs. Local"

- Right: "Risks and Benefits"

### 2. Discussion Block 1: Balancing Local Preferences with Multinational Efficiency (15 minutes)

Key Question:

“How can United Cereal balance local preferences while pursuing a Eurobrand strategy?”

Guiding Questions:

- What are the local market differences that might impact the success of a Eurobrand?

- How should Brill address concerns from country managers?

- What are the potential risks of standardization?

Expected Student Responses:

- Local taste preferences and cultural differences.

- The need for flexibility in marketing and product formulation.

- Risks of alienating loyal customers in specific countries.

Blackboard (Left, 1st Layer):

- Left: "Local Preferences"

- Middle: "Adaptation Strategies"

- Right: "Risks of Standardization"

Sidelines/Out-of-the-Box Questions:

- “What if the market dynamics change significantly after the launch?”

- Handling: Acknowledge the possibility and steer the discussion toward how a Eurobrand strategy can incorporate flexibility.

### 3. Discussion Block 2: Organizational Structure and Implementation (15 minutes)

Key Question:

“What are the pros and cons of implementing Eurobrand teams?”

Guiding Questions:

- How might Eurobrand teams impact the company's existing structure?

- What are the potential challenges in coordinating cross-country teams?

- Should these teams have decision-making autonomy?

Expected Student Responses:

- Increased collaboration and shared knowledge.

- Potential conflicts between local managers and Eurobrand teams.

- The challenge of maintaining accountability and consistency.

Blackboard (Right, 1st Layer):

- Left: "Eurobrand Teams - Pros"

- Middle: "Organizational Challenges"

- Right: "Autonomy vs. Control"

Sidelines/Out-of-the-Box Questions:

- “Could a decentralized structure with strong local teams achieve the same objectives?”

- Handling: Explore the decentralized approach, compare it with the Eurobrand team concept, and guide the discussion back to multinational efficiency.

### 4. Discussion Block 3: Eurobrand Implementation and Innovation Management (25 minutes)

Key Question:

“How should United Cereal manage innovation while maintaining global consistency?”

Guiding Questions:

- What are the innovation challenges specific to multinational companies?

- How can United Cereal ensure that innovation aligns with both global strategy and local needs?

- How should Brill manage resistance to change within the organization?

Expected Student Responses:

- Importance of fostering a culture of innovation across all markets.

- Potential for innovation hubs or centers of excellence.

- Strategies for overcoming resistance and driving change.

Blackboard (Center, 2nd Layer):

- Left: "Innovation Challenges"

- Middle: "Aligning Global & Local"

- Right: "Overcoming Resistance"

Sidelines/Out-of-the-Box Questions:

- “What if innovation efforts lead to a divergence in brand identity across regions?”

- Handling: Acknowledge the tension and discuss the importance of aligning innovation with brand strategy, while maintaining global consistency.

### 5. Final Takeaways and Recommendations (10 minutes)

Final Summary:

- Recap key points: strategic challenges of Eurobrand, balance between local preferences and global strategy, organizational structure, and innovation management.

- Emphasize the importance of strategic alignment and the need for flexibility in multinational operations.

Closing Question:

“What would be your final advice to Lora Brill as she moves forward with the Eurobrand initiative?”

Expected Student Responses:

- Tailor the Eurobrand strategy to allow some level of local customization.

- Ensure strong leadership and clear communication channels within Eurobrand teams.

- Prioritize innovation that aligns with both local and global objectives.

Blackboard (Right, 2nd Layer):

- Left: "Final Advice"

- Middle: "Key Considerations"

- Right: "Next Steps"

5-Minute Closing Activity:

- Ask students to write down their final piece of advice to Lora Brill on a note card and share it briefly with the class.

- Use this activity to consolidate learning and reinforce key takeaways.


### Timeline Overview:

- First Layer (Center, Left, Right): 40 minutes

- Center: Strategic Challenges

- Left: Local Preferences

- Right: Organizational Structure

- Second Layer (Center, Right): 25 minutes

- Center: Eurobrand Implementation (Innovation Management)

- Right: Final Takeaways and Recommendations

- 5-Minute Closing: Summarize key points and engage students in a final reflection.


This revised plan ensures a logical progression of topics, fully utilizing each blackboard layer before transitioning to the next. The structured approach facilitates comprehensive exploration while maintaining flexibility for in-depth discussions.

B. Final Teaching Plan for United Cereal Case


Pastures Questions Final

Class Duration: 80 minutes

Case: United Cereal – Launching a New Cereal in Europe

Class Context: MBA students with 3-5 years of work experience

### Class Objectives:

1. Balance Local Preferences with Multinational Efficiency:

Explore how United Cereal can navigate the tension between local market demands and the pursuit of a cohesive Eurobrand strategy.

2. Impact of Organizational Structure on Implementation:

Discuss the implications of creating Eurobrand teams and how organizational choices impact the success of the strategy.

3. Managing Innovation in a Multinational Company:

Analyze the challenges and strategies for fostering innovation while maintaining alignment with both local and global goals.


### Pre-Class Assignments:

Students are required to prepare answers to the following questions:

1. How do you assess Lora Brill's Eurobrand proposals?

2. What are the implications of the Eurobrand Teams proposal?

3. What advice would you give Brill?

These questions will aid in their preparation and guide the in-class discussion.


### Pasture 1: Opening Discussion (10 minutes)

Opening Question:

“What are the key strategic challenges Lora Brill faces in deciding whether to launch Healthy Berry Crunch as a Eurobrand?”

Ideal Student to Call On:

A student with a background in marketing or strategy, preferably with experience in a multinational company. This student should have a solid understanding of the complexities involved in balancing global strategies with local market needs.

Guiding Topics:

- Balancing Local Preferences with Multinational Efficiency

- Explore the strategic tension between local market customization and the pursuit of a unified Eurobrand.

Blackboard (Center, 1st Layer):

- Left: "Strategic Challenges"

- Middle: "Global vs. Local"

- Right: "Risks and Benefits"


### Pasture 2: Discussion Block on Organizational Structure (15 minutes)

Key Question:

“How can United Cereal balance local preferences while pursuing a Eurobrand strategy?”

Guiding Topics:

- Impact of Organizational Structure on Implementation

- Discuss the pros and cons of creating Eurobrand teams and their impact on the existing organizational structure.

Blackboard (Left, 1st Layer):

- Left: "Local Preferences"

- Middle: "Adaptation Strategies"

- Right: "Risks of Standardization"

Sidelines/Out-of-the-Box Questions:

- “What if the market dynamics change significantly after the launch?”

- Handling: Acknowledge and steer the discussion toward the flexibility needed in a Eurobrand strategy.


### Pasture 3: Discussion Block on Managing Innovation (25 minutes)

Key Question:

“What are the implications of implementing Eurobrand teams?”

Guiding Topics:

- Managing Innovation in a Multinational Company

- Analyze how United Cereal can foster innovation while maintaining alignment with both global strategy and local needs.

Blackboard (Right, 1st Layer):

- Left: "Eurobrand Teams - Pros"

- Middle: "Organizational Challenges"

- Right: "Autonomy vs. Control"

Blackboard (Center, 2nd Layer):

- Left: "Innovation Challenges"

- Middle: "Aligning Global & Local"

- Right: "Overcoming Resistance"

Sidelines/Out-of-the-Box Questions:

- “Could a decentralized structure with strong local teams achieve the same objectives?”

- Handling: Explore the decentralized approach, compare it with the Eurobrand team concept, and guide the discussion back to multinational efficiency.


### Final Takeaways and Recommendations (10 minutes)

Final Summary:

- Recap the key points: strategic challenges of Eurobrand, balancing local preferences with global strategy, the impact of organizational structure, and managing innovation.

- Emphasize the importance of strategic alignment and the need for flexibility in multinational operations.

Closing Question:

“What would be your final advice to Lora Brill as she moves forward with the Eurobrand initiative?”

Expected Student Responses:

- Tailor the Eurobrand strategy to allow some level of local customization.

- Ensure strong leadership and clear communication channels within Eurobrand teams.

- Prioritize innovation that aligns with both local and global objectives.

Blackboard (Right, 2nd Layer):

- Left: "Final Advice"

- Middle: "Key Considerations"

- Right: "Next Steps"


### Timeline Overview:

- First Layer (Center, Left, Right): 40 minutes

- Center: Strategic Challenges

- Left: Local Preferences

- Right: Organizational Structure

- Second Layer (Center, Right): 25 minutes

- Center: Eurobrand Implementation (Innovation Management)

- Right: Final Takeaways and Recommendations

- 5-Minute Closing: Summarize key points and engage students in a final reflection.


This teaching plan ensures that each of the key objectives is thoroughly covered within the allotted time, using structured questions and discussions to guide students toward the intended learning outcomes. The blackboard plan and sequencing of layers support a logical flow that aligns with the discussion blocks and helps reinforce key concepts throughout the session.

C. Revised Teaching Plan for United Cereal Case (Undergraduate Business Students)


Pastures Questions for UG Business Students

Class Duration: 80 minutes

Case: United Cereal – Launching a New Cereal in Europe

Class Context: Undergraduate business students with no work experience

### Class Objectives:

1. Introduction to Global vs. Local Strategy:

Help students understand the tension between global standardization and local adaptation in multinational companies.

2. Basics of Organizational Structure and Implementation:

Introduce students to the concept of organizational structure and how it impacts the implementation of business strategies.

3. Foundations of Managing Innovation:

Explain the importance of innovation in a multinational context and how companies can manage it effectively.


### Pre-Class Assignments:

Students are required to prepare answers to the following simplified questions:

1. How would you describe Lora Brill's Eurobrand proposals in your own words?

2. What do you think could happen if Eurobrand Teams are implemented?

3. What advice would you give to Lora Brill, considering what you’ve learned so far?

These questions are designed to help students think critically about the case while staying within their current knowledge base.


### Pasture 1: Opening Discussion (10 minutes)

Opening Question:

“What do you think are the main goals of Lora Brill in launching Healthy Berry Crunch across Europe?”

Ideal Student to Call On:

A student who has demonstrated an understanding of basic business concepts in previous classes, perhaps someone who has shown interest in international business or marketing.

Guiding Topics:

- Introduction to Global vs. Local Strategy

- Begin with the basic idea of a company wanting to sell the same product in different countries and the challenges that might come with it.

Blackboard (Center, 1st Layer):

- Left: "Main Goals"

- Middle: "Global Approach"

- Right: "Local Challenges"


### Pasture 2: Discussion Block on Organizational Structure (15 minutes)

Key Question:

“Why do you think it might be difficult to manage a brand across many different countries?”

Guiding Topics:

- Basics of Organizational Structure and Implementation

- Discuss why companies might need special teams to manage a product in different regions and what those teams might do.

Blackboard (Left, 1st Layer):

- Left: "Brand Management"

- Middle: "Why Teams?"

- Right: "Challenges Across Countries"

Sidelines/Out-of-the-Box Questions:

- “What if a country doesn’t like the new product? Should the company change it just for them?”

- Handling: Use this question to explain the balance between standardization and adaptation, guiding students toward understanding the need for flexibility in business strategies.


### Pasture 3: Discussion Block on Managing Innovation (25 minutes)

Key Question:

“How can United Cereal come up with new ideas that work well in many countries?”

Guiding Topics:

- Foundations of Managing Innovation

- Introduce the concept of innovation and why it’s important for companies to keep creating new products, especially in a competitive global market.

Blackboard (Right, 1st Layer):

- Left: "Importance of Innovation"

- Middle: "Challenges in Multinational Companies"

- Right: "How to Innovate Globally"

Blackboard (Center, 2nd Layer):

- Left: "Examples of Innovation"

- Middle: "Global Success Stories"

- Right: "Overcoming Challenges"

Sidelines/Out-of-the-Box Questions:

- “What if some countries are much slower to accept new ideas than others?”

- Handling: Discuss the concept of market maturity and how companies can manage different speeds of acceptance in various markets.


### Final Takeaways and Recommendations (10 minutes)

Final Summary:

- Recap the main points: the balance between global and local strategies, the role of organizational structure in managing multinational businesses, and the importance of innovation.

- Simplify the discussion to ensure that students leave with a clear understanding of how companies manage products across different countries.

Closing Question:

“If you were in Lora Brill’s position, what would be your next step to make Healthy Berry Crunch a success in Europe?”

Expected Student Responses:

- Ensure the product meets local tastes while keeping a strong global brand.

- Work with teams in each country to understand their specific needs.

- Keep coming up with new ideas to stay ahead of competitors.

Blackboard (Right, 2nd Layer):

- Left: "Final Advice"

- Middle: "Next Steps"

- Right: "Ensuring Success"


### Timeline Overview:

- First Layer (Center, Left, Right): 40 minutes

- Center: Main Goals and Global Strategy

- Left: Organizational Structure Basics

- Right: Managing Innovation Foundations

- Second Layer (Center, Right): 25 minutes

- Center: Examples and Success Stories

- Right: Final Takeaways and Recommendations

- 5-Minute Closing: Recap and final reflections with simplified key points.


This teaching plan is tailored to undergraduate students who may not have work experience. The focus is on introducing basic business concepts in a way that is accessible and engaging, using simplified language and clear examples to help students grasp the complexities of multinational management. The structure remains logical, ensuring that each key objective is addressed thoroughly within the context of their current knowledge level.

D. Revised Teaching Plan for United Cereal Case (Executive Audience with 20+ Years of Experience)


Pastures Questions for Executive Students

Class Duration: 80 minutes

Case: United Cereal – Launching a New Cereal in Europe

Class Context: Executives with more than 20 years of work experience

### Class Objectives:

1. Strategic Decision-Making in a Global Context:

Explore how seasoned executives can navigate complex strategic decisions involving global standardization versus local adaptation.

2. Advanced Organizational Design and Implementation:

Discuss the implications of organizational structure choices on executing multinational strategies effectively.

3. Innovation Management in Mature Multinational Companies:

Analyze the unique challenges and opportunities for innovation within established global enterprises.


### Pre-Class Assignments:

Students are required to prepare answers to the following in-depth questions:

1. How do you assess Lora Brill's Eurobrand proposals from a strategic and operational perspective?

2. What are the broader implications of the Eurobrand Teams proposal on organizational dynamics and performance?

3. Given your experience, what advice would you give Brill to ensure a successful Eurobrand launch?

These questions are designed to leverage the deep experience of the audience and encourage them to think critically about the strategic and operational complexities presented in the case.


### Pasture 1: Opening Discussion on Strategic Decision-Making (20 minutes)

Opening Question 1:

“Given United Cereal’s current market position and competitive landscape, what are the strategic risks and opportunities of launching Healthy Berry Crunch as a Eurobrand?”

Ideal Student to Call On:

An executive with extensive experience in strategy, ideally someone who has managed or led initiatives in multinational environments. This individual should provide insights into strategic risks and opportunities, balancing the global vs. local debate.

Guiding Topics:

- Strategic Decision-Making in a Global Context

- Focus on the trade-offs between pursuing a unified brand strategy across Europe versus maintaining country-specific approaches.

Blackboard (Center, 1st Layer):

- Left: "Strategic Risks"

- Middle: "Opportunities"

- Right: "Global vs. Local"

Expected Discussion:

- Strategic risks related to loss of local market relevance.

- Opportunities for achieving economies of scale and brand consistency.

- How competitors might respond and the potential for first-mover advantage.


### Pasture 2: Discussion Block on Organizational Design (25 minutes)

Opening Question 2:

“What are the key organizational challenges United Cereal will face if Eurobrand Teams are implemented, and how should they be addressed?”

Guiding Topics:

- Advanced Organizational Design and Implementation

- Delve into the potential impact of Eurobrand Teams on the existing organizational structure, including cross-functional collaboration, decision-making processes, and accountability.

Blackboard (Left, 1st Layer):

- Left: "Organizational Challenges"

- Middle: "Team Dynamics"

- Right: "Cross-Functional Collaboration"

Expected Discussion:

- Challenges in aligning the Eurobrand teams with existing country operations.

- Issues of autonomy vs. control in decision-making.

- Potential conflicts between local and central teams and how to mitigate them.

Sidelines/Out-of-the-Box Questions:

- “How should United Cereal handle resistance from country managers who may feel threatened by the Eurobrand concept?”

- Handling: Discuss strategies for managing resistance, including stakeholder engagement, communication, and aligning incentives.


### Pasture 3: Discussion Block on Innovation Management (25 minutes)

Opening Question 3:

“In a mature company like United Cereal, how can innovation be managed to ensure both global consistency and responsiveness to local markets?”

Guiding Topics:

- Innovation Management in Mature Multinational Companies

- Explore how United Cereal can foster a culture of innovation while maintaining alignment with its overall strategic objectives across different markets.

Blackboard (Right, 1st Layer):

- Left: "Innovation Challenges"

- Middle: "Global Consistency"

- Right: "Local Responsiveness"

Expected Discussion:

- The role of leadership in driving innovation in a mature organization.

- Balancing global innovation strategies with the need for local market adaptation.

- Case examples of successful innovation management in similar companies.

Blackboard (Center, 2nd Layer):

- Left: "Leadership in Innovation"

- Middle: "Best Practices"

- Right: "Case Studies"

Sidelines/Out-of-the-Box Questions:

- “What role should local teams play in driving innovation within a global framework?”

- Handling: Discuss the importance of empowering local teams while ensuring alignment with global strategic objectives.


### Final Takeaways and Recommendations (10 minutes)

Final Summary:

- Recap the key points: strategic decision-making in a global context, the impact of organizational design on implementation, and managing innovation in a multinational company.

- Emphasize the importance of leadership, strategic alignment, and adaptability in executing complex global strategies.

Closing Question:

“Based on your extensive experience, what would be your final recommendation to Lora Brill to ensure the Eurobrand launch is both strategically sound and operationally feasible?”

Expected Student Responses:

- Strategic alignment of the Eurobrand with the company’s long-term goals.

- Clear communication and integration between Eurobrand teams and local operations.

- A robust innovation strategy that leverages both global and local insights.

Blackboard (Right, 2nd Layer):

- Left: "Final Recommendations"

- Middle: "Strategic Alignment"

- Right: "Operational Feasibility"


### Timeline Overview:

- First Layer (Center, Left, Right): 45 minutes

- Center: Strategic Decision-Making

- Left: Organizational Design Challenges

- Right: Innovation Management

- Second Layer (Center, Right): 25 minutes

- Center: Leadership in Innovation and Case Studies

- Right: Final Recommendations and Strategic Alignment

- 5-Minute Closing: Recap and final reflections, ensuring the discussion is tied back to real-world applications and the executive's extensive experience.


This teaching plan leverages the deep experience of the executive audience, focusing on high-level strategic decisions, complex organizational dynamics, and advanced innovation management practices. The opening questions are tailored to provoke thoughtful discussion and draw on the participants' vast knowledge, while the structured approach ensures that all critical aspects of the case are thoroughly explored within the available time.


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