Experiencing Burnout
There are moments when you have worked really hard for a very long time and you experience burnout. Sometimes you put in more hours at work, have been attending a lot of networking events non-stop, or have been balancing school, work, extracurriculars, your social life, and more.
You lose motivation and you just want to wrap up in a blanket and watch movies, hoping all your problems and tasks will all go away. We’ve all been there, and sometimes it lasts longer than other times, but we always seem to get out of it at some point.
These are some of the things that have helped me get out of a rut:
- Lean on your friends and family. Have a support system who will cheer you on and empathize with you. They know how hard you have worked and they will be willing to help you come out of this. As social creatures, we depend on our interactions with others. Make sure to have a strong connection with your loved ones and spend time with them whenever you can. During tough moments, they can give you advice or simply just be with you. Knowing you can depend on others is really reassuring and can give you a boost of confidence.
- Refind your purpose. Whether you’re studying hard for an exam because this class is going to help you get credit for your major, you’re volunteering to help underprivileged communities in the area, or you’re working to pay off your rent for your dream home, remembering why you are working on the things you are helps you see the bigger picture. It helps you put things in perspective and can give you a sense of encouragement to continue striving for excellence. Write down your purpose and revisit this whenever you’re feeling down.
- Do the things you love. Make time to watch an episode of that show you like, play soccer with your friends, attend a bible study, or do anything that brings you joy. Ideally, it would be beneficial to spend 30 minutes to an hour everyday doing something you like so you can rest your mind from the work you’ve been doing and you can recharge. There will be days when you won’t be able to squeeze in this time, but dedicate at least 10-15 minutes of your day to yourself. You deserve it. This is your time - run wild with it.
- Add more breaks into your schedule. Sometimes we are so worried about checking off all of the things on our to-do list that we don’t give our minds a break. Use a schedule that works best for you, and try to be active during your breaks. You could stretch for fifteen minutes after having worked for 2 hours straight, you could go for a walk for half an hour after having worked for 3 hours, or you could get up and take a sip of water in another room for five minutes after having worked for an hour. Listen to your body and do as it asks to avoid fatigue and burnout.
- Do less. We normally burnout when we have a lot going on in our lives and our body is warning us about our limits. Reduce the amount of obligations you must attend to if possible. Prioritize the things that you need and love, and eliminate the ones that are on the bottom of your list if you can. Having less things to do will reduce the tension in your body and free your mind. You will have more time to pursue your interests and passions.
It is hard to fit in all of the things we want to complete in 24 hours, and it is a skill that we acquire over the years. Remembering to prioritize the things that matter most to us helps us determine what we should invest our time and energy in.
Remembering to prioritize the things that matter most to us helps us determine what we should invest our time and energy in.
We all experience burnout at different points in our lives and it can be detrimental to our mental and physical health. Aiming for a balanced lifestyle is important and can help us reduce the amount of times we experience burnout as well as the length of time in which we experience it.
I wish you luck, and I hope you don’t experience burnout anytime soon!