Experienced La Jolla Root Canal (Endodontics) Dentistry
Highly-trained La Jolla root canal dentist Dr. Sigafoos is well known for providing excellent care to patients in need of endodontics treatment.
A modern root canal is no longer the dreaded procedure it used to be. In fact, with today's safe and comfortable endodontics options, you'll not only save your tooth, you'll save money.
In years past, removal of a tooth that was damaged, decayed or infected would have been your only option. But now at LaJolla Periodontics we can usually save your infected or abscessed tooth. When the procedure is completed, we'll send you home with your natural tooth restored to its original health.
Not only is root canal therapy the natural solution, it's much less expensive and requires far fewer trips to the dentist than follow-up visits after an extraction.
If you're experiencing tooth pain, why wait another moment? Call our understanding staff at (855) 563-7049 or complete our simple online form to schedule a consultation. We're dedicated to providing you with affordable, top-quality dental care.
For more information or to make an appointment, call LaJolla Periodontics today at (855) 563-7049.
To know more about Lajolla Periodontics
Click here: https://www.lajollaperiodontics.com/articles/356/la-jolla-gingivitis-dentist
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Dr. Gary Sigafoos @GarySigafoos LaJolla Periodontics www.lajollaperiodontics.com
Follow @GarySigafoos on Twitter and do a “Like” at LajollaGumDiseaseCare Fan page.If you’re looking for an experienced periodontist to care for gingivitis and periodontal disease in La Jolla, contact Dr. Sigafoos,(858) 568-8941