Experienced Board Director Susan Paterson, joins the Board of Lodestone Energy
Gary Holden
Managing Director Lodestone Energy, Director and investor in solar power, power generation, energy retailing and financial services.
Lodestone Energy is pleased to announce the appointment of Susan Paterson to the Board of Directors. Susan joins board members Guy Haddleton, Joanna Perry and Gary Holden to bring added strength and deep industry expertise to the company.
Susan has been a professional director since 1996 including listed, SOE, NFP and private companies. She is currently a Director of the Reserve Bank, Chair of NZ Steel and Tube, Chair of Theta Systems, Director of Arvida Ltd, Director of Les Mills and Director of EROAD.
Susan has a long history in the electricity market beginning with the Wholesale Electricity Market Development Group (WEMDG) in the mid-1990s, followed by more than eight years as a member of the Board of Transpower and, most recently, as a director of the Electricity Authority’s Board since its inception in 2010.
Managing Director, Gary Holden says, “Susan was instrumental in steering the Electricity Authority through a decade of significant change. Innovation and technology have transformed the electricity sector during the past ten years and the EA actively supported industry as they navigated this transformation. The result has been greater industry accountability, improved consumer choice, improved security of supply and significant investment in renewable generation.”
Susan has had a direct interest in environmental matters for decades. She was a Board member of the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA) from 1996-2000 and Chaired the NZ Eco-Labelling Trust for many years.
Susan said, “I’m excited to be part of the further transition to renewable electricity generation in New Zealand. Lodestone has some real talent and will be a major player in the energy transition. I am looking forward to being a part of assisting New Zealand in meeting its climate change commitments.
“Susan’s incredible leadership in energy, property, governance and technology will be a fantastic addition to our Board and we are delighted she has joined in the formative stages of our company,” added Holden.
?Lodestone Energy
Lodestone Energy is 100% New Zealand owned and operated.
Founded to help the national effort to decarbonise New Zealand’s energy sector, Lodestone Energy aims to contribute to the country’s electricity generation with meaningful solar production. The company recently announced its plans to construct five initial solar plants on its land holdings in the Far North, Northland, Coromandel and the Bay of Plenty. The power generation sites will utilise over half a million solar panels and will integrate renewable energy production with farming operations.
The company has an expert team with a long history is the electricity market, including developing generation projects in New Zealand, Canada, the United States and Australia, as well as managing integrated generation, transmission, distribution and retail operations.
Learn more at www.lodestoneenergy.co.nz.