Multi-dimensional initiatives to boost your customer experiences
Rahul Krishna Pandey
Technology Consulting || Presales || Project & Program Management || Operations & Delivery || Certified Scrum Master || Digital Utility Expert || GIS || IoT
Do you know? It's not only goods and services retail customers purchase and carry from your shop; they carry away their cognition of their experience, as well. How customers feel while shopping in your underlay is everything. It influences how they talk to others about your business and whether they’ll become repeat or loyal customers. By providing the best customer experience possible, you create happy and satisfied clientele.
So what customer experience (CX) initiatives can turn on your customer happy and loyal? Here are few of them.
Customer Service is Earl
Your customers want to feel like they matter to you before they ever even larrup your store. Your staff should be helpful, agreeable and personable both on the phone and face-to-face. When you crouch over stick in the mud to make your customers happy, they’ll appreciate it. You don’t have to go all out and offer personal shopping experiences just providing genuine customer service is a powerful thing that most customers won’t soon forget.
Make it Easy
Not all customers want to spend hours shopping, so appeal to those that want to make a quick getaway. Glaring signage, site to store inter-flow, engaged and helpful employees and expedited checkouts make it easy for customers to get in and out of your shop when they’re on a tight timetable. You certainly don’t want to push your customers out the door, but making it easy makes it clear that you value all of your customers, even those who would rather spend the day elsewhere.
Give Yourself the Customer’s Experience
Sometimes you can do everything right and still find that your customers are walking away unsatisfied. When that happens, it’s time to take off your management hat and pretend you’re a customer. Drive to the store, park where your customers park and walk through your store with the eye of a shopper. What stands out as helpful? What things do you find cumbersome or annoying? Doing this can help you figure out what areas need work. This experiment will give you some insight into how your customers are experiencing your business.
Embolden Feedback
Everyone loves to have their opinions heard. Whether you offer customers the option to submit feedback online, in person or via phone or text message, you should listen to what they have to say. Encouraging feedback makes your customers feel like they matter and gives you access to valuable insight about how others see your shop. They’ll keep doing business with you because you value what they have to say and you can use their input to improve your store experience for all customers. It’s a win-win.
Bide Tech Savvy
The word of technology is ever-changing and business owners need to keep up with the times. By keeping abreast of new technology, you can integrate these advances into your brand and improve your customers’ experiences. Comparatively few people will see your coupon if it’s posted on MySpace instead of Facebook or Twitter, for example. Integrate mobile technology into your store in the form of digital signs and content for tablets and smart phones and make sure you have a strong presence on social media. By being easy to find on the Internet and making it easy for customers to use their tech in your store, you’re elevating your customer experience to a whole new level.
Reward Adherence
Who doesn’t love free stuff? Discounts, promos, coupons, swag – it’s all enough to whip your customers into frenzy. Offer exclusive perks to loyal customers, power clients and customers that refer their friends. By giving customers an incentive to keep shopping with you, they’ll appreciate the experience even more.