Experience Is Power: The Importance of Relatability In Recovery
Next Level Recovery Associates
We provide professional, personalized service with individualized concierge care.
There is a statement of individual responsibility that is read in many 12-Step programs. It reads, “I am responsible. When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, I want the hand of [recovery] always to be there. And for that I am responsible." Here at Next Level Recovery Associates, we too feel that recovery responsibility, and we take it very seriously.
We are proud to say that everyone that works at Next Level Recovery Associates has been through recovery. They are a shining example of how recovery can be attained and maintained with the right plan, execution, and commitment.
There is a belief held by many that only someone who has struggled with addiction can truly understand another person that is struggling. Here at Next Level Recovery Associates, we feel our personal experience with recovery is one of our greatest assets in helping our clients recover.
While there are no set standards for helping people recover, there are some criteria that can greatly increase an individual's chances for a successful recovery. We believe that one of those criteria is empathy.
The intimate ability to understand and relate to another person's experience can be crucial in getting someone on board for a recovery plan. Why? Because when in the grips of active addiction, a person can often feel isolated and feel that their problem is uniquely individualized. We can show them that this “terminal uniqueness” is unfounded. Again, why? Because we have been through it ourselves.
Let us take a look at our offering here at Next Level Recovery Associates to better exemplify how our staff's experience can help an individual's recovery growth, while also mitigating potential recovery regression. Remember, our individual stories can be our greatest assets for someone that feels unseen, unheard, and/or overlooked.
Experience Boosts Case Management
When it comes to case management, we individually assess each of our client's needs to ensure their recovery needs are best met. What better way to assess those needs than knowing what has worked for us in the past, and perhaps more importantly what has not?
We also understand that recovery is about the journey rather than the destination. So our case management experts understand the importance of long-term recovery and the significance of avoiding a “one-and-done” solution. We continue our own recovery journey so that we can best help further the journies of our clients.
The Intimate Understanding of Our Intervention Specialists
One of the most unique qualifications of our intervention specialists is that they have been there themselves. They have walked through the fire and come out unscorched on the other side.
We understand what it means to walk in active addiction's shoes. We understand what it means when addiction is controlling every decision, including avoiding extinguishing that addiction at all costs.
We can work with the family, the professionals, and the individual to get them into the right place of recovery they need to be. We do so using the utmost compassion, empathy, and understanding because we were once given the same gift.
Fulfilling Our Primary Purpose: Our “Recovery Associates”
Perhaps the greatest asset of a recovery companion (which we refer to as “recovery associates,” because we are team members, not coaches), is having navigated the outside world post-treatment as well. Our recovery associates know the difference between the right next step and a potentially dangerous misstep.
Many 12-Step programs also discuss a tactic that is often referred to as “people, places, and things.” This means that in recovery, especially early recovery, it can be critical to avoid the individuals, situations, and harmful items that may trigger a relapse. Our recovery associates can help avoid these toxic situations to better ensure long-term recovery.
We understand that it is certainly not a requirement that recovery professionals have gone through recovery themselves. Of course not. Many of the professional specialists we work with fall into this category. The truth is, this is one of the areas that our relatability element can become so integral.
We can expound on a professional's path with our own personal experience in recovery. We can provide the experiential expertise that they may not necessarily possess. We have found that when working within the professional sphere we have been able to increase the chances of a client's recovery, not simply because of our experience of course, but that experience combined with our expertise.
Here at Next Level Recovery Associates, we utilize our personal experience for the growth and recovery success of our clients. We have been there. We want our clients to know that. We also want our clients to know that there is hope because they see the potential in our example. We want them to see their future selves in our current success.
Being able to relate to another person that has gone through the same addiction experiences can be crucial in recovery. Here at Next Level Recovery Associates, everyone on staff has gone through the process of recovery and come out triumphant and growing on the other side. We understand what you or a loved one or client are going through, and we also know how to take an individualized approach to get you on the right path of recovery. We believe that our reliability is one of the features that makes us uniquely qualified. Whether it calls for case management, intervention planning, or recovery coaching, we can help. For more information, please call Next Level Recovery Associates today at (561) 735-2590.
February 23, 2023