Experience the new "FREE-STYLE" Virtual Channel Hang Out
Julian Lee
Publisher, Community Builder, Speaker, Channel Ecosystem Developer with a focus on cybersecurity, AI and Digital Transformation. Subscribe to eChannelNews to learn more or follow me on LinkedIn.
ChannelNEXT's latest "Free-Style" Virtual Channel Hang Out has no theme, no agenda, no keynotes, no workshops, no emcee, no special guests and no prizes. Free-style best describes this virtual experience as each attendee can choose to do whatever they want to do.
It's100% pure virtual networking with no limitations exclusively for the IT Channel. What you discover and get from this virtual experience is all up to you! Get to know people. Find out what they do. Exchange ideas. Join in the conversations or just listen in. Connect on LinkedIn if you want. Create a whole new experience if you wish.
Comments we are getting so far include "very interesting", "different", "fresh", "I am in", "brilliant idea" and "really cool".
The virtual experiment continues...
What would happen if you were to put a few hundred like-minded channel folks into a virtual room for 2 hours with almost no rules?
We did a smaller test last month during our ChannelNEXT Virtual Cyber Security event and the results seemed quite promising. So, we decided to scale bigger this month to see just how far it could go.
How it works?
When you enter the virtual session you will see many "tables" (not too pretty at this point, but working on it). Each virtual table holds a maximum of 6 people. Just double click to join any table and you will be instantly transported into a 6-person live video chat where you can introduce yourself, meet real people, ask questions, connect on LinkedIn, learn or just listen to the conversations.
Whatever happens in these virtual table top sessions stays inside!
Jump in and out of tables as often as you wish. No judgement. No rules except the obvious to be kind and courteous. Load up your LinkedIn tag so people can get to know you and instantly connect.
Every channel professional is invited to attend for FREE, but since space is limited, it will be on a first come first served basis. If you want to be among the first, then register now!
All participants can move freely from virtual table to table. Connect with peers, vendors, distributors, experts - anyone.
You may even be able to find a private virtual table to carry on a one-on-one conversation or within a select group of people.
Just keep on joining tables and meeting people to see where it goes…If you get lost, just come to the ChannelNEXT Team table for support. We will always be at our table on the top left of the screen!
100% open to creativity!
Talk business. Talk life. Talk tech. Talk Women in Tech. Talk whatever interest you! Go further, do Karaoke (we will be doing a little of this on the ChannelNEXT table)! Bring your drinks (we will)!
Think of what you would do at an in-person business social gathering and virtualize that!
Remember to add your LinkedIn profile so people can connect with you instantly and vice versa. Add your pic or company logo to your profile. It's your choice, but we recommend that you turn your camera & microphone on to make it personal.
Some table top sessions may choose to have a special theme based on who is sitting there and what they are talking about. Look for names on the table!
It's free-style with limited rules, but the ChannelNEXT team will be around if you have any questions. We expect everyone to play nice and not be "too pushy" but we will be monitoring and reviewing complaints, if any (we can instantly bounce bad actors out).
This is version 1.0 of the free-style experience! We are baking out version 2.0 already and exploring new ideas from the feedback with got so far.
Join us to explore a cool virtual experience with your peers on July 22 between 3:00 PM and 5:00 PM EDT.
Register Now!
Learn more: ChannelNEXT
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Click below to ALSO register for the the upcoming ChannelNEXT event on Managed Services on August 26...