Experience, Moment..Perhaps both
Theresia Christian
Communication for Development | Writer| Marketing| Strategic Communication
The traffic is so tight, the heat feels like 40°C. Guess what, the AC in the car isn’t working, well hasn’t been working for over 6 months now. Feels kinda frustrating by now! ‘Remember to experience the moment’ , you recall the wellness coach at the office telling you and the colleagues during the end-year wellness training. Is it even real..thinking..You take a deep breath and decide well, let me give it a try to this ‘experience the moment’ kinda thing.
Quickly the eyes take a step out of the car, wander along the busy streets and they meet this woman selling ripe bananas along the roadside. The mind thinks ..maybe its a good thing this traffic. Get to buy some bananas after all by the time home, the vibandas will be closed. You gather strength in your voice and put a smile on your face. ‘Hello, how much is a banana?” you ask. “Tsh 200,” she said. “Please give me five’, said and paid.
It's not that baad you know. What? Being stuck in traffic,. See, I got some bananas..says with a funny face imitating some animated character. Lol! The family will enjoy it. The thought brings a more real smile to the face.
‘Experience the moment’..the thoughts are interfered with as the traffic is slowly moving and the eyes take another step outside again. This time they gaze at a couple walking past the traffic, holding hands as they enjoy some ice cream. With this heat, an ice cream definitely would really help, you think. However, the smile on their face just reminds that love indeed is a beautiful thing. See, you’re smiling too ??
Experiencing the moment magic is just getting magical. Wow, see the beautiful buildings in the city. How did it get dark so quickly, before answering that thought, the eyes wander. They’re just beautiful. Just like those we see in Christmas movies. All decorated. Some so weird if were to stand alone, and some just magical with great decor is done, just magnificent as the traffic loosens and driving 40KmpH...yeah..seems like a high speed here..lol. And yes, safe and sound at home..just in time for dinner..and guess what having dinner with family indeed creates a wonderful experience and moment!