Experience Mapping: Unleashing the Power of Customer-Centricity

Experience Mapping: Unleashing the Power of Customer-Centricity

Have you ever felt frustrated when your customers encounter roadblocks and inefficiencies while interacting with your business? Do you wish there was a way to truly understand their needs, desires, and pain points throughout their entire journey? This is where experience mapping comes in.

A customer experience map is a total visualisation of the big picture, taking everything into account that can impact a customer’s experience. But what exactly is it and when is it best used?

What is it?

A Customer Experience Map is a holistic, all-encompassing visualisation of an experience, from beginning to end, that a customer will go through irrespective of a specific product/department. These maps are more concerned with human behaviour in general; discovering more about the thoughts and experiences of a customer at every stage in the buying cycle. This is a deeper analysis than just a journey map, it could include a journey map within it, but it also takes into account experiences a customer may have outside of the journey with one particular product.

When is it best used?

In contrast to journey mapping, a customer experience map is best used if you don’t know exactly where the problem lies. You know something, somewhere is falling short, and by approaching the exercise in an honest and open-minded manner, you can hopefully nail down exactly where the customer pain points are, when before, you might not have known they existed at all. One key thing to be mindful of is that this is a?customer?experience map, meaning it’s got to be from their perspective, not yours or your business’s. One common pitfall to avoid is mapping out what you?think?the experience should be, when really, you want to map out what the experience?actually is?in the customer’s eyes, warts and all.

What insights are you likely to get?

  • How you can optimise touch points with your brand
  • Pain points or moments of truth in interactions with customers
  • Details of website journeys
  • Potential eCRM strategies
  • Long term digital roadmap development
  • Insights when campaign planning
  • Implementation of marketing automation

Always keep in mind that this is not the same as a simple journey map, there is not necessarily only one destination.

One final thing to remember is although these maps may look like a piece of art, they are not meant to be permanent fixtures on the wall, they should be regularly reevaluated and updated. If you aren't going to rework the map at a later date to measure your progress, it’s probably better not to bother creating one in the first place.

Freestyle has the expertise and capabilities to help businesses create and implement successful customer experience, journey and assumption mapping. If you’d like to know more about how we can help you, get in touch .?Drop us a line: [email protected]


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