Expensive problems
The more expensive a problem is
The more you can charge more for it.
For example, if a company has calculated that?
They are losing massive market share to a client
Because of a poor brand image
They would be willing to pay more for
A brand designer to come in and fix that problem.
Let’s say you are losing $100k in business per year to competitors.
Would you pay $20k to fix a $100k problem?
Sure you would! It’s a no-brainer.
On the other hand, say you are doing pretty well
And a brand designer offers to refresh your brand image,
It's unlikely you would pay even a 10th of the $2Ok
That you’d pay if you were losing sales.?
Because the image problem is not costing you anything.
It’s not an expensive problem.
The moral of the story:
To make more money than you are doing now,
identify your customer’s expensive problem
And solve it.??