Expediency of omitting Accessibility!?
Nigel Dupree
Project Director at S.M.A.R.T. Foundation - also known as: Legin Nyleve, LeginNyleve and @l3gin on other Social Media
No surprise at all, at all...........
That is an easy one to answer, occupational health in 58% DSE operators (2007) suffering debilitating levels of sub-optimal screen interface visual ergonomics and omissions to support custom "reasonable adjustments" (1998 PUWER Act) to mitigate over-exposure resulting in eye-muscle strain, early onset blurred or worse double vision, binocular vision-loss etc.
I, as a disabled Dyslexic / we the S.M.A.R.T. Foundation UK have been monitoring Digital Eye-Health, Accessibility, Literacy, Diversity and Inclusion from before the turn of the century working originally with functionally illiterate children effectively excluded from participating in learning and at risk of offending and in due course DSE operators from later in the first decade of the 21st Century only now since 2018/9 backed by Accessibility Regulations, WCAG 2.1 and ISO 30071-1 DSE Colour Contrast Validation / Calibration respectively.
Starting of as a Digital Literacy Aid for children and later a DSE Operators Wellbeing Tool-Kit, once developed as an on-line interactive self-administered package to prevent or mitigate Screen Fatigue and Computer Vision Syndrome resulting in myopic / asthenopic disease.( 2016 WHO ICD-10 )
Needless to say, whilst there has been some progress with occupational health 'Work Exposure Limits' ISO 45001 and 45003 it maybe some time before there is a "Right to Disconnect" however, in the meantime evidenced by the first round of Accessibility Maturity Reporting 2021 there appears to be little or no impact of developing Accessibility Statements over the initial three years since regulation and increasing guidance other than in HE.
The HSE did release a further Safety Alert in 2017 a decade later but, has continued to delay by annual reviews until later this year if not delayed again only making ineffective additions to guidance surrounding visual breaks with no mention of association with ISO 45001 or Accessibility Regulations regardless of current 'Discovery Program' including data analysis for Predictive Risk, Frequency & Severity along with more Precise Risk Treatment presumably leading to Strict Liability and a 'given' set of penalties for failure to comply.
Anyway, regardless of looking forward to new occupational health risk in the 21st Digital Century post COVID there remains the "historical foreseeable and predictable product safety risks" still being expediently ignored and yet to gain any traction accepting 30% of UK population remains functionally and digitally illiterate back to the future.