Expectations Make or Break Successful Client Relationships
We all have been there... expecting what we envision in our mind and expect to feel. It's not pre-thinking. These are your expectations.
Exceptions Are Everywhere
- When we hire a contractor or new employee
- When we close new business with a client
- When we start a business or move to a new career
You get the idea.
When Did You Learn About Expectations?
When I was young (uhhhh 30 years ago) it was preached to me that I should have high expectations for myself. This was because my parents, coaches, and teachers thought if you believed highly in what you expected out of life, you would go live up to that expectation of your own life.
When I was graduating from college I placed high expectations about what 'real life' would bring. Young adults call in 'manifesting' I think. A vision for what things will be like. I had a great job at a very large corporation in the telecommunication space and thought that if I did my job and there was nothing left for me to do, I could go home - wrong!!!!! My manager had expectations that I should be in the office
When I started a business, my expectations were that it would be hard work and I'd make a living at it.
At every stage of life or in business we all use expectations to guide ourselves.
Some People Rely Too Much On Their Expectations
You've met them. These are people who get crushed, frustrated or even angry if their expectations of a situation aren't met exactly how they are picturing them.
These people have such a concrete picture in their heads and hearts they can't believe when it doesn't turn out exactly as they want. I've unfortunately been that person and have had customers who have been that way.
I've learned the hard way that when we put expectations on a customer (and vice versa), but don't communicate those expectations and stay 'in sync' with each other - the relationship ends poorly.
Getting and Staying In Sync
It's because of past experiences that Fannit has built a documented process we follow in Teamwork (our project management software) so everyone on the team follows and expectations are set with clients.
Its Starts in the Sales Process
- Identify clients whom we know will NOT fit, then say "I don't think this will work" and explain to them why.
- Outline our process... as follows.
The First 30 Days
- Kick-Off Call
- 90 Minute Interview
- 4 (Internal) Roundtable Meetings
- Strategy Review (within 30 Days)
Getting in Rythm & Working as a Team
- Regularly Scheduled Meetings - this is where we outline performance
- Quarterly Business Reviews
- Quarterly Technical Audits
- Annual Reviews
Next Time You Have Expectations When You Are Hiring Contractor
The reverse is true as well. When we need to hire someone and we've found a body that checks all the boxes, but there is something that doesn't feel right.
Follow your instincts - if it doesn't feel right or you have to force it. It probably won't work.
I'm Not Saying Lower Your Expectations
We should all have appropriate expectations, but high standards. It takes a lot of communication to make sure your high standards are met.