Sophie Khoo
ICF-ACC Coach | Entrepreneur | Ontological Life & Executive Coaching | Training & Development | Cross-Cultural Awareness
Majority of us have and continue to have expectations, even though we know they are one of the root causes of unhappiness.
Many at times, we find that expectations (of others, ourselves, situations, jobs, relationships etc.), lead to disappointments and frustrations, in spite of our best efforts. For some others, the anticipation of the dire outcome was much worse than experiencing the event itself. Thus causing added stress to their well-being.
On the other hand, having no expectation seems to be widely and socially unaccepted and is often equated to lack of ambition, asking for too little in life, feeling alone and lonely.
So, if expecting the best can lead to frustration and expecting the worst can cause unnecessary stress, what options do I have? Damned if I do, damned if I don’t.
WHAT IF … Having no expectation means we live in the here and now, totally present?
WHAT IF … When we expect nothing, we are open to any possibilities that may unfold, untethered to a specific outcome?
When we approach life with this kind of openness, wouldn’t we be more energized by creativity and any outcome, and less likely to be disappointed by and judgmental of life and ourselves, as it unfolds? As a result, wouldn’t we be more likely to take setbacks in stride and manage our stress in a more optimally?
What would life be like if we released our expectations, preferences and fears (of others, ourselves, situations, jobs, relationships etc.)? And instead, focus on the present moment, what could happen?