Expectations from Digital Marketing | Reference Industry: Higher Education Regular Programs

Expectations from Digital Marketing | Reference Industry: Higher Education Regular Programs

Marketing focusses on long term aspects and sales (admissions) focus on short term goals. Fundamentally both are different functions. But with advent of Digital Marketing, marketers are now expected to deliver revenue results too. Today, expectations from Digital Marketers are getting inclined more towards admission closures than towards marketing or brand building.

Digital Marketing builds upon the data layer, and data provides rich insights for informed decision making. Digital Marketing also attempts to bring down the cost of admission acquisition?greatly as compared with traditional form of admission methods. However, marketers in the Higher Education industry are barely scratching only at the surface whether it be Social Media Marketing or Performance Marketing Campaigns. Use of technology in user experience management and offline-online integration is marginal. Usage and adaptations are mostly limited to scenarios around reports that get generated through CRM application.?

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Our interactions with almost a hundred organizations suggested that most of the marketers are making mistakes in configuring right measurement signals. If data signals are not correct, strategy implementation will be like blindly hitting in the dark. Efforts also?seem to be?much low when it comes to leveraging?AI-ML strengths of Ad Platforms be it Google Ads or Meta Ads, forget about adopting technology for cross-platform campaigns or offline-online integration for enhanced?user experience management.?

In this LinkedIn Newsletter, we are going to discuss all of this and a lot more in great details. We invite your thought leadership and best practice use cases to contribute to this marketing community. Let's together enhance our capabilities in Digital Transformation, not limited only to Digital Marketing. Stay tuned and look forward to a new concept unfolding every week.

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Brannia with contributions from Rakesh Ranjan

#digitalmarketing #admissionmarketing #marketing #admissions #education #edtech #highereducation #universitymarketing

Feel free to share your problem statements in Digital Marketing in Higher Education and we will try to address them in our upcoming editions.



