Expectation vs. Action
This is a conversation that I’m really digging lately!
Thank you Jamie Pieper for sharing this Darren Hardyvideo today which totally ALIGNS with this idea - check it out: https://youtu.be/xL0VQy7pmpE ("How to REALLY Reverse Aging" by Darren Hardy)
There is a magic to EXPECTATION ?
Many times our actions inform our expectations... but which one (action or expectation) is the true catalyst for the result? ??
Let’s say you want to lose weight and you have a belief (ie a thought you keep thinking) that states if you diet, you will lose weight. If you start diligently abiding by said diet (action) you are informing your expectation: I expect to lose weight.
If you achieve the weight loss, which played a bigger role? The action? Or the aligned expectation?
If you want to lose weight but you have the expectation that dieting never works no matter how hard you try but you begrudgingly try again anyway (misaligned action) while holding on to the deep seated belief that “this never works for me” (expectation) what’s to blame for the lack of results? Is your metabolism seriously slower than everyone else on the planet? Or does misaligned action not stand a chance against expectation?
Of course weight loss is just one small example of this theory.
What do you think? It be hard to wrap your mind around... but I’m working on it.
Ideally, of course, Aligned Expectation leads to taking Inspired Action, which then leads to results ?? BUT if I had to chose between expectation and misaligned action and could only adjust one variable, I’d adjust expectation all day long. How about you???
#expectations #expectationvsaction #alignment #alignmentbeforeaction #emotionalfrequency #frequency #beliefs #limitingbeliefs #breakingbeliefbarriers #mindset #selftalk #energy #intentionalliving #onpurpose #success