Expectation with no Resentment....!!
Mazen Edlibi
Empowering emerging leaders to activate their strengths & navigate change, confusion, and conflict to break free from the limiting voices, so they Re-align with their goals & reclaim their powers.
Expectation is the emotional state where an idea becomes so real that you feel it even though you can’t hold it yet.
However, we often fall in the trap of Taking Things For Granted... Taking People for Granted...Taking Life for Granted...Forgetting that it is not about Things around us...It is not about people around us...It all start with YOU and only YOU first....Then things will fall in its place in the right time..
I realized that Resentment...Disappointment...Jealousy...Pain...all those negative emotions, reactions are happening because of my expectation....Reflecting upon them, and while reading "#thehigh5habit" by #melrobbins, it really hits me when she said "YOU have no right to be Jealous...If you are not Willing to DO the Work of Change that Needs to Happen!!"
When we don't make the time to define what we want from our lives, we will be a prey to Fears... Disappointment...Resentment...Pain..Lost..Giving up our lives...our dream...Our Hope...!!
We also need to understand that it is not a "Hope and Pray" Strategy... Things will not come by itself. It is a mindset of absolute certainty that can be consciously cultivated. It is a mindset of creating what need to happen in your life...It is about developing a very clear vision for Your Life...
I asked myself...If I know what I want, then What makes me not believing in it? I realized that for years I kept Hoping something will happen and come along my life to fulfill what I'm desiring for...and I realized I am not putting much work around it..for it...and with it to make it reality!!
My realization is that my doubts are stemmed when I am Looking at what others are doing...and that what leading me to fall in a vicious trap of not doing what it is meant to be done...
I'm starting my Navigation again towards myself...Navigating to turn things to reality...Navigating to explore life differently...
What I am going to share with you are things helped me to get a bit clearer and calmer within myself;
You might have a different strategy from the above, and it will be so helpful and eye opening to me and others if you share your way, your strategy to have expectation with no resentment....