Expectation, Entitlement and Karma
Warren Kirchner
Innovation, Business Development, Marketing and Engagement Practice Manager at GGBV
We start this journey from the cell as a basic building block of life. And you ask why? What relevance has this to me and my busy 21st century life. Here’s the connection - expectation originates at the cellular level and expectation drives us to achieve, to make something of our lives utilizing our capacity for action. And along that journey in relationship to all living things whether we ignore it or not, to reveal the substance of who we are – our structure and makeup. So cell memory starts us on a path that has influence linkage and one could say baggage from past generations all via the cell.
The Backster experiments demonstrate what is going on here. By putting very sensitive probes on small groups of cells, Backster was able to demonstrate that the cells reacted to the emotions of their owner, who was in another room. This demonstrates that the cells had awareness of their own, independent of the rest of the body. This is consciousness and if random cells demonstrate it then we can conclude that consciousness resides in every cell of the body and certainly in the organs. Therefore, an organ transplant is also a consciousness transplant. The recipient is literally receiving the personality of the donor. Now, if you accept the Holographic Universe model, then the entire personality of the donor will be contained in each cell and therefore in the organ as a group.
Because people vary tremendously in the make up of their personalities, there are necessarily going to be great variations in how much of a donors personality they take on. It is altogether likely that donor rejection has something to do with how easily people can change and accept the personality changes. Someone who fights changes is going to have a more difficult time accepting a new organ because they will fight the personality changes that occur.
The person receiving the organ has their own personality, so they aren’t likely to transform completely; more likely, the recipient will take on a few attributes while discarding others. I suppose it’s a bit like being married; we cannot help but take on some attributes of our spouses, but we don’t become them.
For more detail and case studies refer - https://weilerpsiblog.wordpress.com/2011/03/14/cellular-memory-phenomenon-explained-consciousness-beyond-the-brain/
In another more recent demonstration, a certain holistic medical practitioner links current physical health difficulties with past generation profiles/life experiences and challenges. And in doing so treats the cause and not the effect and addresses the influence of cell memory being transported across generation boundaries. Refer to publications on Genetic memory and Cellular memory for further background context.
So expectation drives us to achieve in this life, yet we are not starting from afresh, a blank page, hence outcomes from expectation are coloured even distorted by the past, by conditioning, by accumulated cell memory.
We can observe then the transition from expectation into entitlement and with open eyes actually see that entitlement has no place in our societies of today and tomorrow. Or more succinctly entitlement is ‘out of place’ in a future world for humanity.
And you ask why should personal entitlement be ‘persona non grata’. Not be a state that everyone aspires to. Should this not be obvious to the enquiring mind observing the state of dysfunction in our societies?
Entitlement (as defined by Merriam- Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary)
The condition of having a right to have, do, or get something.The feeling or belief that you deserve to be given something (such as special privileges)
Is it not a dysfunctional world when it is stated as fact that 62 people currently hold or control wealth equivalent to 50% of wealth of the worlds poorest. Look deeper and you find multi-generation patterns of entitlement behavior in associated bloodline families – is this cell memory transferring entitlement across generations? So inherited or acquired wealth in a lifetime at all levels breeds entitlement. The wealth we are talking about here has many gradients at which the owners reveal entitlement behaviours.
Entitlement drives self interest to the exclusion of others. Observe how societies and organisations are structured, how status values are attached to gradients of education, of skills, of prowess, of possessions, of power. And how the individual risks becoming conditioned/corrupted by the very process of expectation in action as self interest. Self interest into entitlement does not encourage or strive for equality among all, of encouraging those less fortunate in their life journey. Rather it feeds on itself to be protected from all external threats under the guise of respectability and fear. Fear of losing what I have, fear of losing my inherited or acquired entitlement. History has repeatedly shown as with today we see this fear as separation, aggression, violence, intimidation and ultimately wars instigated by those who want to establish or protect entitlement.
Isn’t it a paradox that those who pattern their lives on entitlement either demonstrate their affliction in public including self aggrandizement, being seen giving to charities et al while privately condescending of all who do not have what they have, or, hide away fearful of criticism, fearful of losing their perception of entitled wealth and power. In both fear is at play.
For another recent example exposing entitlement, take the time to read in entirety an article published in the Guardian by Van Badman. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/may/25/its-time-australians-looked-more-closely-at-our-privileged-ruling-class
By our actions corrupting expectation into entitlement, so enters Karma.
What you put out into the world comes back to you. How you live your life determines what kind of life you will have.
Newton's third law is: For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. The statement means that in every interaction, there is a pair of forces acting on the two interacting objects. The size of the forces on the first object equals the size of the force on the second object.
Actions of pure expectation express positive forces. Actions of entitlement express negative forces.
Where the balance of negative outweighs the positive karmic action is at play if not in this generation then in the next and rebalancing is inevitable and we are not talking communism or extreme socialism here.
So if expectation is the realization of the true potential of a human over a lifetime, entitlement is the very antithesis of that activity. In this, entitlement is pure activity for self interest and self interest denies the flourish of expectation.
I vote for societies we build into the future encouraging every individual to fulfill the expectation of potential gifted at birth, treating all as equals with equal opportunity and right to fulfill their expectation potential without corrupting into entitlement.