Sandy Koffman
33 Yrs Skin Care Specialist | Mary Kay | Beauty Expert | Skilled in Image/Makeup Artistry | Extra Income
Many times the things we fear the most happen because we expect them to happen. Fortunately, the opposite also is true. When you expect great things, great things will happen! WE are surrounded by abundance and we can draw it to us by expecting it.
The physical body responds to the mind's command. The say from the shoulders down we are worth $40. But from the shoulders up we each own a computer more marvelous than anything human beings have ever been able to devise. It is impossible to estimate the value to the human mind.
Conrad Hilton expected great things long before he became founder of one of the greatest hotel empires in the world. In 1931 Conrad was a busboy without a dime. He read an article about the fabulous new Waldorf Hotel being built in New York with hundreds of luxurious rooms, red velvet carpets and magnificent chandeliers. He cut the article out of the newspaper and began to dream of owning a hotel.
When he finally acquired a desk job, he placed the article under the glass cover of his desk, and it became his ultimate goal. Years later he bought that hotel! This truly is an American free enterprise story of a man who drew abundance to him expecting it.
Expect great things and great things will happen to you.