Expect the BEST!
Through every adventure and obstacle life offers, you'll find that attitude will win over skill each and every time.
Attitude is vitally important to lasting and significant success.
Often we have the wrong idea about what exactly attitude is and how it contributes to our results and ultimate success.
Attitude is not a smile or frown. Attitude is the combination of your thoughts and feelings expressed through your actions and being-ness.
Your attitude is constantly setting up the cause and effect system that reveals itself in your results.
This month pay special attention to your thoughts, feelings and actions - this is your attitude. And make no mistake, it has everything to do with the results you're getting in every area of your life. - Bob Proctor
It's so important to realize that while we may have a spectacular attitude in one area of our life, like health, we could have a poor attitude in another area, such as finances or relationships.
Throughout history, famous experts, authors, and theologians have agreed on one thing - we become what we think about. Whatever is taking up valuable stock in our mind is transparent to the outside world through our results.
This month become very aware of your overall attitude and pay special attention to your attitude in each area of your life. Play with this and realize your attitude is a choice. You’ll soon see that even a small shift in your attitude makes a big difference in your results.
Think of your attitude as the environment you carry with you. It proclaims to the world what you think of yourself and indicates the sort of person you have made up your mind to be…
Each morning ask yourself, "What environment do I want to create for my life to really thrive?" - Sandy Gallagher
?If you are like most people, your default attitude is anticipating and bracing for the worst case scenario. When this is your focus, of course it fulfills itself in your life.
Neville Goddard writes, "Your experiences throughout your life are determined by your assumptions--whether conscious or unconscious. An assumption builds a bridge of incidents that lead inevitably to the fulfillment of itself."
This is why it is important to assume the attitude of always expecting the best. When you really have this new attitude, everything around you transforms.
Your attitude is the energy you send off into the world through your actions. Your attitude always attracts what is in harmony with it.
So imagine what you really, really want. Are your thoughts, feelings and actions aligned and in harmony with your goals and vision?
If not, begin at once to change your thinking! Think only those thoughts in harmony with your goal, and you will find your attitude will start to transform! - Todd L Bauerle
Todd L Bauerle is a certified coach helping individuals and businesses reach their goals. Todd is personally trained by Bob Proctor to coach the “Thinking into Results” curriculum to leaders, teams and families. Todd also works with executives to make powerful career transitions, leading them closer to financial success and fulfilling careers.
To learn more about Todd and his coaching, visit www.baueleconsulting.com or schedule a consultation with him today at https://calendly.com/bauerleconsulting.