The expansion of your Leadership Style
The #challenge that dominates the main issues that companies, organisations and communities are facing nowadays is the following: develop a new, ecological, sustainable and self-sustainable leadership style. And, therefore, intrinsically systemic and interconnected.
We deliberately used the word "challenge", because to succeed it’s necessary to make a complex and challenging evolutionary leap into the territory of #identity.
Leaders must in fact internalise a truth that professional team coaches know well and place at the very basis of their discipline and their interventions: the organisations and the companies are entities in themselves, composed of individuals, #purposes, #values, #culture, #beliefs, habits, #bias... And, like all entities, they are equipped with an identity, which does not coincide with that of the leadership team or the President or Entrepreneur, but rather includes and integrates them.
Therefore, #leaders must deepen their level of knowledge of their own company or organisation to consciously and generatively navigate the current turbulence, to anticipate the market evolution, to make the workplace a stimulating environment, to attract the best professionals in the market, to increase the business results. But setting aside an egocentric approach is not enough anymore: leaders must profoundly commit themselves to grasping the true, enlarged and expanded organisation identity, inclusive of every material and immaterial element composing it.
The times we are living in – due to their intrinsic #complexity, speed and #interconnectivity – are antithesis to dualisms, divisions, limited perspectives, partial points of view, silos... And precisely for these reasons it’s necessary to identify and valorise in organisations and companies those elements that for too many years were thought to have meaning only in individuals: identity, intelligence, #self.
According to Daniel Siegel , the same concept of Self is much more an expanded integration that surpasses the individual and the organization and connects with the whole; he no longer speaks of interconnection, but rather of #intraconnection.
Transition Mastery has developed its programs for organisations creating an evolution of the canonical, albeit systemic, team coaching with the fusion of numerous theories under a lighthouse which is constituted by the systemic and ecological approach and the self-sustainability. And we can assure that, when the transition is accompanied in this way, the effects spreads to every and each level of the “system”.
What is your idea of Leadership?
How long has it been since you questioned it?
What new signals are you perceiving? From whom?
In this newsletter we give inputs to people and organisations attentive to the human side of change, and eager to bring awareness and clarity to their needs, to the signs not to be overlooked, to the barriers to overcome and to their most intimate fears.
We also talk about energy release, innovation, commitment, vitality, sustainability, systemic ecology and all the benefits that come as a gift, when we listen to our inner call and decide to honour it and experience a true transformation.
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