Expanding Your Private Practice
Gerda Muller
Allied Health Private Practice Business Consultant. I help you build a Self-Running Practice, giving your more time and financial freedom, as you help more people in better and more effective ways.
EXPANDING your private practice can come in various forms, shapes and sizes.
Similarly, many practices START in various ways, shapes and forms.
Each journey is different.
Some start with a clearly laid out plan and step by step timeline (guaranteed ‘J’ in your MBTI Code)...
Whilst others just grow…
Unplanned and unstructured (guaranteed ‘P’ in your MBTI Code)
Thing is, you can start you one-woman-show either structured or unstructured, however, if you want to truly grow a Level 5, ULTIMATE, Private Practice, then the time WILL come that you will have to properly plan, structure and implement your practice growth.
At some point, you can no longer wing it.
Well.. I guess you can - if you wanted to - but it IS gonna cost you.
It is gonna cost you in terms of time, money and energy and ultimately it won’t grow at the speed and with the foundation that it should in order to be sustainable in the long term.
It IS a business you are growing here, right ?!
Not a hobby.
Not a side-hustle.
It’s a business.
It’s your livelihood.
It’s the livelihood of your team.
So now that the craziness of the silly season is at a close and you’ve had some time to decompress and hopefully get re-energised and re-inspired to grow your practice, you absolutely must make the time to PLAN out the WHAT and HOW of the next 12 months.
Failure to do so will just see you spinning your wheels and getting to the end of 2020 full of dirt and mud, feeling like you’ve worked your ass off, but still not having gotten to your 12 month destination.
As always, I want to support you with this and make this an easy process…
So I want to invite you to book out 3 to 4 hours in your schedule and allow me to help you…
1. Smash through any MONEY-MINDSET issues that have been holding you back.
2. Get SUPER CLEAR on your purpose work, your soul work, your message, your vision and how you would be showing up daily if you were truly owning it.
3. Get SUPER FOCUSSED on your 12 month goals for 2020.
4. Ensure you pay attention to all 7 Secrets for Private Practice Success.
Break it all down into actionable steps so you know exactly what to do to effect MAXIMUM change, growth and expansion in your private practice.
If you know that it is TIME to step up, to be all that you came here to be, to be COMPLETELY worthy, ready, and excited, to FULLY shine your light, help more people in better ways, and yes, also make money doing so, then you just need to join me in the…
I ran this live in December, but you can now access the RECORDED VERSION and complete it in your own time.
Investment: $497 plus GST.
TO REGISTER CLICK HERE: https://bit.ly/IBPP2020
Upon Registration, you will receive an email with the Recorded Training - around 3 and a half hours in length.
Can't wait to help you shine in 2020!
After starting her PhD on the topic of "Psychologists as Practice Owners: Current Challenges, Coping & Success Predictors", Gerda was appalled at the lack of support for Allied Health Professionals going into Private Practice and decided to do something about it. This was the start of Private Practice Success Australia.
E: [email protected] | W: gerdamuller.com.au/resources/policy-bundles/
WINNER: Adult Allied Health Private Practice Excellence Award
WINNER: Queensland MENTAL HEALTH Achievement Award for Best Small Business