Expanders? The what, why and how.
Zac Durant - Unsplah.com

Expanders? The what, why and how.

I didn't want to make this public yet, but unfortunately, once this is posted, it is.

What it means for my future from the typical path, I'm really not too sure. I have goals and dreams, and know my vision for my life, and I’m always refining the vision of where I am going to end up in the future. These steps right now, seem like the right things to do in order to align me with my vision.

But what I know for a fact is, if my business doesn't work out as planned, that if I were ever to apply for a job in the future again, this article may lead me astray with employers…

Why would I then share this? Couldn't it be devastating for me?

I'm sharing this with you because I feel that I need to be transparent with you in my efforts in business and life so that it can assist in building the trust factor between you and I, if we were ever to work together. In turn, the hopes are that it will grow my businesses because you know, like and trust me.

To make a long story short, let's start.

Recently, I have taken full reins of my life.

I decided it was time to leave the proverbial rat race - the typical 9-5: “study hard”, “get good grades”, “get a great job” circumstances so many of us find ourselves in.

I'm not knocking those who find joy in what they do after their studies. I'm just saying, it never felt like the right path for me and that's why I needed to do it.

I needed to take a leap of faith off the edge of the cliff. I’m still falling but before I splat on the ground, I know I will fly.

Why I did this is because I have conviction in my efforts to achieve things on my own and create great successes in life and business.

I also knew that I was spending 10 hours per day whilst on the job in an office or on sites. I was also wasting an extra 1-3 hours per day in traffic. And this has been going on for the last ±10 years.

I knew that if I could put all that time into my own endeavors and give them all the effort, time and energy that they need, I would most definitely ensure expansion (or some level of growth).

As I mentioned, I've been in a working career for ±10 years with more than 10 jobs in that space of time. Which if you averaged it out, means that I've had more than 1 job every ±12 months. Crazy right! - that's just stats.

But don’t think it was simple. Leaving was not easy. It was honestly one of the hardest decisions I’ve had to make in my life.

Feelings and emotions are all rushing in like an adrenaline rush on crack!

"What if things don't work out?"

"What will everyone think of me?"

"Am I being stupid!"

"Why is this so hard?!"

"Will I be seen as the failure and black sheep of the family?"

Ever since I can remember, my father always pushed us to do better. To be a better person and to always up-skill ourselves with the hopes of one day becoming our “own boss”.

“Always look for a way to learn something”, he'd say to me and my sister.

I got to give my father credit, because without him showing me and teaching me things from a young age, I probably wouldn't be the man I am today. A man who's extremely ambitious, optimistic and driven.

5 years ago I started posting on social media, trying to become an aspiring entrepreneur, motivational speaker, or coach of some sorts.

Being extremely ill-knowledged and definitely not well-skilled, I felt like a complete imposter and didn't think I could actually get someone good results.

Fast forward to today, I'm back at it again. Only this time I am ready, skilled, knowledgeable and most importantly, experienced. Especially in the topics that I wish to cover and share with you guys.

Do I believe I'm a guru or an expert? -?Hell no! For me this is just the beginning.

So why “Expanders” and “Expansion Effect”?

Expansion Effect is the name I finally decided to give my company after the past 5 years.

Expanders on the other hand is my word I like to use for the type of people that Expansion Effect attracts through our content and programs.

An Expander is a person who loves to expand life. Loves a life of freedom. Loves a life with choices & opportunities. Loves a life that serves them. Loves a life that is meaningful and purposeful. And we know that if we wish to succeed in life, we need to discover our own unique way of finding it. And finding it, we do. There is no compromise because an Expander is persistent, persevering, and a long term thinker. We do what we do, with the utmost consistency and conviction in its future fruition. And let all our efforts compound in our favour.

My initial idea and concept is that Expansion Effect will be a media and consulting business that is result focused and mission driven. (Who knows, things might change in the future.)

I chose to start this business (5 years ago), because I have the desire to show people what I know and help others do the same. Even if that meant I was just a form of inspiration or motivation, I just wanted to spark a flame in every person that came across my way.

Why I chose to start with a personal finance & investing coaching program is because I'm experienced, competent and passionate about this area. And I wanted to show people that they can take control of their own financial endeavors with a little bit of discipline and courage.

We gotta be honest with ourselves and admit that we know that the financial industry can come across extremely skeptical and obscure sometimes.

We know that the majority of newbies and even experienced financial advisers out there, don't necessarily look out for their customers best interests before their own.

I'm not pointing fingers and I'm not saying that the financial industry or the people in it are scam.

I'm simply saying that if we could get a little bit of control back into our own hands for our financial situations, if trouble comes in the future, we would not be completely devastated.

Honestly speaking, I don’t believe that many of the financial institutions around the world are obligated to operate as fiduciaries. Food for thought...

And I heard this saying once, "the wealthy are wealthy because they control everything." - Wouldn't you like to be wealthy too?

So after casually chatting with friends, family and even people via social media, I realized that very little, almost no one, really understands or even knows about this particular way that I am using to invest my hard earned money. And ever since, I honestly felt that many people could seriously benefit from this way of investing, so I started sharing it.

And boy, was there feedback!

I started passive investing about ±4 years ago whereby I spend 1-2 hours per month actually doing any “work”. (This “work” I'm referring to is literally pushing a button or two to initiate an order for shares that will be introduced into my investment portfolio.)

And then I simply just keep track every month or quarter using my tracker I built in google sheets.

So what does the future hold for Expansion Effect?

Honestly, I truly believe that it can only go up from here.

The plan for the business is to expand on its range of programs so we have more to offer in various areas of life. We plan to introduce, on the media aspect of things, a show hosting well-known and successful entrepreneurs and people of influence in today's society so that we can share this priceless information with everyone.

Soon we'll be rolling out our very first online program known as the S.M.A.R.T Investor coaching program, which will teach people the methodology and principles I’ve used for the past ±4 years to achieve great profits within my investment portfolio. (I've been fortunate to maintain an average growth above 10% per year.)

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This is a snippet from my investment portfolio tracker of the Lifetime Gains (%) I've managed to achieve over the last ±4 years.

We wish to make the programs we offer very principle-orientated so no matter where you are in the world the principles will remain the same. (The rules of your country might be the only differentiation, we don't know yet.)

If you've read this completely, I just wanted to say thank you for taking the time to do so and may this be a very warm welcome to you. I hope that you will stick around, subscribe to the newsletter, follow us on all social media channels and watch us grow as a company and individuals.

Expanders unite.

The Main Expander - Nathan Visser

Best of luck on this journey you are about to take on! Wish you all the very best. You are welcome to reach out in the case wherein you need help expanding the newsletter, no pun intended.


