Expand for Relief
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Expand for Relief

Welcome to?#tamingyourtension?where GenXhausted entrepreneurs & frazzled female founders?get terrific tips for simple health stress relief for more energy and feeling GenXcellent.

Who doesn't want healthy happiness with less effort?

I'm Wendy of Happier Healthier Humans. We're taming the tensions of modern living with simple steps to move better, feel better, live well so that you have more energy for enjoying a life you love.

Healthy doesn't have to be complicated!

These weekly tips will show you the way!

No, I am not talking about your waist! ??

Instead expand your reach, horizons, access, ability, mind, etc

Last week we looked at Explore for Relief

Once you discover the edges, uncover any boundaries, the natural next step is to expand.

When you give yourself space to explore you can identify the places you can expand.

This makes space for growth and addition... or for release and letting go.

Make a tight fist and hold it (unless you have high blood pressure or other health concerns)

Keep holding and notice what happens.

Imagine the blood and oxygen trying to get through you tense neck, back, and hip muscles that are constantly constricted like this.

Now open your palm fully, expanding and sensing the boundaries, the edges, the opening of space and feeling.

Add this concept to the stretching you all claim you do to relieve tension. ??

Gently take the extending to the edge without pushing or pulling or DOING anything but sensing and breathing.

Notice how that naturally creates some release and extension therby expanding the range.

How would it feel if you sprinkle this throughout your day in micro moves as movement snacks that refresh and revitalize?

The number one reason folks cite for not taking better care of themselves is "no time."

Notice, there's always a little me in TIME.?

Commit to investing in youreslf with a little more of the ME in your time!

30 Days of ME

All month, because I was born in April, we're revisiting the terrific tips and action implementations from the ME TIME framework for simple health habits: Move, Meal, Mind collected as 30 Days of ME

Seizing moments amidst our busy schedules and hectic daily living to focus on self-care, sustenance, stress management, simple health strategies

Finding time and making sense of ourselves while reducing pain, boosting energy and retaining vitality in this draining culture of more more more.

Today's tip: Breathe!

Get going with tis challenge anytime or revisit all the days when you sign up for the daily email sequence: https://me.happierhealthierhumans.com

Keep up with all the daily podcast episodes on your favorite platform or in the public zone of the?Happier Healthier Humans?T3 Community Collective:

Subscribe to?YouTube?channel?@TamingYourTension?and?check out the playlist!

H3 Weekly Challenge

From the?Happier Healthier Humans?group,?the?#weeklychallenge?this week (click to go to post)

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Eat well knowing what you're eating and enjoying the moments!

This week, it’s all about eating ONLY HOMEMADE FOOD – and not going out to eat (or ordering in)

Visit the post to see some of the many perks!

Creating a better world together as Happier Healthier Humans!

Not in the group yet?... You're Invited!

Join us in the community - it's a great place for boosting healthy happiness:?https://www.dhirubhai.net/groups/12707279/???

Work with Wendy!

Book a call?or?Let's Chat?or?Get a Sample Session?- get the results you desire - or just schedule a connection??????#coffeechat!

》Join us in the?H3????T3

Building community in a collective that's boosting healthy happiness and overall well-being with stress relieving tension taming tools for life.

Make it a great day - the WISE Way!




?#healthyhabits?#longevity #energyforlife


