Existing Sustainable Transport
Engine EcoPhils, Inc.
We offer an immediate "bridge solution" to vehicle pollution that is 500 times more effective than buying an EV.
To be sustainable, a business should help the environment as much or more than it harms it -- however, businesses also have to answer to their shareholders who have both financial & good PR concerns.
Sustainable Transport
How can sustainability be accomplished in the transportation and logistics area specifically with existing fleets?
Transportation and logistics fleets are looking at Electric Vehicles (EVs) which carry a tCO2e cost of USD12,500 per ton of CO2 reduced. This does not sound optimum in the financial ledger.
So what would reduce a transportation and logistics GHG or 'carbon footprint' at a more viable cost?
Reduction of existing fleet transportation and logistics vehicle's carbon output is an obvious option, but how?
There are many ways to reduce GHGs or 'carbon footprint' with devices that can aid an ICE delivery van, making it a more efficient way to propel goods and services.
When you look at some device or additive you must make sure it actually does as it claims, then look at the cost of the product, the effectiveness of the product and the length of time before a Return on Investment (ROI) is obtained.
Real Help
One device we can mention without reservation (besides our own Carbon Cutter) is a K&N air filter. They are more expensive than a stock unit, but it will be the last air filter you need to buy for that vehicle. Every 10,000 km you simply remove it, clean it, oil it and replace it. Plus it has less air flow restriction than a stock unit so your vehicle will perform better -- this is proven daily by many racers around the world.
Our own Carbon Cutter is also in this class of equipment. Simple install (2 minutes for an Isuzu Elf) no modifications, set & forget and Philippine government Department of Science and Technology verified to reduce both CO2 and PM2.5 emissions as well as consumption -- while increasing power output. The Carbon Cutter also lasts the life of the engine. This at a cost of USD50 or less per ton of CO2 reduced -- proven with corporate & public utility vehicle testing.
We have also partnered with a Philippine nationwide NGO and trained some of their disabled members to fabricate our Carbon Cutter for us, thus making a route to increase their income.
Neither of these items will void an engine warranty as they make no changes to the engine other than make them more efficient.
You should look into both of them if you have emission or fuel expense reduction concerns or mandates.
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