The Existential Threat of Reality Management Authorities (a.k.a. Government)
George Tsakraklides
Author, Biologist, Food Scientist, Market Research Director (18 years), UK and Greek (EU) citizen
In the fight over resources, different forms of government came into existence, and various opportunists nominated themselves as protectors, announcing their candidacy with the usual campaign promises.? The roots of fascism are ancient.? Power, whether a democracy, tyranny or monarchy, is inextricably linked to corruption and violence.? While pavements, running water and a tax system are good to have, did governments really ever work when we needed them the most??
The popular perception that governments exist to “maintain order” is as false as the definition of order itself.? Order of what? For who’s benefit? At what cost?? No political system has ever managed to truly represent or protect its people, whether these people are allowed to vote or not.? “Order” is in fact dangerous, because it usually comes with resistance to change, and resistance to reality.? Order is open to multiple interpretations, rules and prohibitions which become vehicles for societal control.? Order is the favourite word of fascists.
The most dangerous aspect of all forms of government and power is that they despise change.? They want to keep everything the same: the same economy, the same players, the same mistakes.? This is how they ensure that their sponsors will not be unseated from positions of power.? The downside of this is that the most serious existential threats are only ever addressed at the level of pantomime theatrics.?
To most effectively block change, governments must exercise control over public opinion.? If anything, governments are effectively Reality Management Authorities, servicing the need of the most powerful to maintain social narratives which control the production and distribution of wealth.? Governments are the visible manifestations of the psychonomy, enabling the most controlling, psychotic and unstable personalities to thrive and attain leadership positions.? These leaders must embody the values of the psychotic system which brought us government in the first place. Although they come in various shapes and colours, they all share the one psychonomic skill most important to a leader: they are charismatic psychological controllers, and multitaskers.
A successful leader today is more of an ideological chameleon than a mission-driven decision-maker.? Their most critical skill is masterfully dancing around the bullets of the psychonomy’s crossfire, pretending to be a peace maker.? This difficult choreography requires ruthless self-deceit and public deception, all the while as the corporations and other stakeholders who manage the creation of wealth are placated and appeased. By managing people and agendas and keeping the wild jungles of the power ecosystem from closing in on them, politicians can secure their tenures as sitting representatives of the corporatocracy. ?If and when it fits with their running storyline, hidden agenda or personal benefit, some leaders may actually do some social good, which they are quick to advertise as a personal sacrifice that is part of their wider “social mission” which led them to politics in the first place. Politicians are as much “social warriors” as the UK’s royal family are “servants to the people”.
Social and economic policy must always be honest, intentional, and unconditional.? Nobody ever saved the planet by accident, or to please a stakeholder. ?But for governments, decision making is the result of a constant trade-off between maintaining the status-quo of the wealth-controlling elite on one hand and averting a revolution of the disenfranchised on the other.? This contradictory mission is why governments have little to no actual power, and at best resort to managing our perception of reality. They are RMAs: Reality Management Authorities, doing their best to simply stay put, keep calm, and carry on going round in circles. ?Stubbornly protecting their corporate bosses, governments simply hasten and amplify recurring convulsive episodes of economic and social seizure.? The wealthy elites have been consulted.? The PR agencies have been briefed.? And the casualties have already been selected, before the guns are fired.?
Governments can easily be classified as existential threats.? Their dithering, inertia, inaction and procrastination create all of the horrifying conditions for small, once addressable issues to grow and one day become terminal, impassable predicaments.? Because of their inability to handle change even when it knocks on their door, RMAs are incapable of addressing the worst type of change: an existential threat.? Power and privilege, in all their forms and iterations, are the greatest impediments to humanity’s survival through existential crises.? In the face of a polycrisis, RMAs will typically avoid, deflect, distract and postpone, while at the same time weaponize the crisis for propaganda.? As looming threats grow, the government will spend all of its energy to do what it does best: reality management.?
The priority of politics during an existential threat has always been to create, curate, and broadcast narratives which regurgitate the lies this civilisation desperately needs to keep calm and carry on living its fantasies.? When a collapse begins to register, it is already too late. This is because collapse is only the very last stage in a long process; a stage which however is irreversible: it can only be observed and endured.? As the crisis enters free-fall, the RMA goes quiet: leaders literally disappear, retreating into their pre-built bunkers and golden parachutes. Social services vanish, silence falls across the political spectrum, and the public is abandoned.? The government who we all thought would come to our rescue, was indeed merely a glorified PR machine.
Following so many failed COP meetings attended by all these RMAs, it would be delusional to nurture even the slightest bit of hope in any government to solve the existential threat of the climate crisis and civilisational overshoot. While capitalism may be the acting weapon of mass destruction, it is government who provides all the smokescreens, and the venom that stuns the victim beforehand.? Governments act as powerful tranquilising agents of misinformation, apathy, collusion, and criminal neglect. Many of our politicians belong in jail.
From the much larger Gaia perspective, authority and power are meaningless human constructs. The only authority and power on this planet belong to nature, and physics. All processes on Earth are circular, whether we like it or not.? Karma rules, everywhere you look.? Civilisations always think they are moving in a forward line, when in fact they are following a circle, just like a train on a perpetual rail loop: every time the train loops through the same exact location there are a few more trees missing, another lake or river vanished, and the air has become increasingly difficult to breathe. It’s time to roll up the windows, close the curtains, and go into denial before the crash.? The RMA is here to help you with your journey into the Civilisational Lie.
George is an author, researcher, molecular biologist and food scientist. You can follow him on Twitter?@99blackbaloons
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