Exile On Main Street
Exile On Main Street is the title of this masterpiece album of the Stones, probably referred to their forced exile in France to escape the British tax authorities that were chasing them. What Exile represented for the history of music and rock? Quite possibly one of the greatest masterpieces, a synthesis of all, a compendium,of the styles of this type of music. Exile On Main Street is perhaps the magnum opus of the Stones, in which we find not only rock, but also of course the blues, gospel, country. The lessons learned from Chuck Berry, Muddy Waters, are very present in this album, expertly mixed and reworked. The atmosphere and the sounds rough, dirty, but pretty damn beautiful, magical. Little technology, amplifier guitar and little else. The year was 1972 and the recordings took place at night in the basement of a villa in France and not in a recording studio, which is why the sounds is alive, vibrant. Obviously, during the sessions of recording the climate was dreamy, smoky and rarefied created by alcohol and drugs taken in large amounts by the Stones. There were various characters in the villa that Richards had rented, one was Gram Parsons friend and mentor of Richards with regard not only the music, but to the approach to the concept of reality through the use of psychotropic substances. Let’s look a bit at this album, starting with the cover, photo collages and parts of super 8 home movies, depicting monkeys, acrobats, circus performers, all very crude and rough, but in a way suitable to make the idea of what you it would be concealed in the microtraces of the two vinyls, because the album was double. Since the recordings, in the second part took place in Los Angeles, Jagger recruited musicians of the highest level such as Billy Preston who then introduced him to the knowledge of a gospel choir of a evangelist church of the City of Angels then Jagger recruited them for the recordings and in fact in Exile it’s full of gospel choirs. America, California in particular always comes back in the songs the Stones and in fact in “Sweet Virginia” Jagger thanks California for its wine and its sweet fruit. He also speaks of the desert a bit ‘and of course the reference is that of Joshua Tree that was introduced to him by Gram Parsons. The songs are just beautiful, starting with “Let It Loose” with its dreamy intro tremolo arpeggio and the brass section that weaves a wonderful and sweet melody . “Shine A Light” just as beautiful with the contribution of Preston on piano then “Loving Cup”, “Tumbling Dice,” “Happy” and much more. Many illustrious guests to give support such Nicky Hopkins, Mick Taylor, Bobby Keys and another long list. Well I told you everything, at least, just enough to intrigue to hear or even listen to this masterpiece to enjoy it. What is clear, I do not review or judge I venture to give some advice, opinions then you will draw conclusions. I do not like to influence, I can not stand it, but try to advise, according to my experience and skills. Happy listening.
Copyright 2016 by Francesco Nicotera All right reserved