Exhibitions get you Face 2 Face with prospects.
Jason Chinnian - Little By Little Creative Solutions Ltd
It's relatively easier and more cost effective to sell on line. We all think that's a given. And though it is highly imperative that you have a strong and dynamic digital presence allowing you to sell all over the world, if applicable, what are your profit margins like and how much repeat business are you getting? Digital sales are faceless transactions and limited by their nature partly because of lack of trust and resolution of any issues. Plus you are up against all your competitors and prospects are generally looking for the cheapest price. Your digital presence has to quantify why someone should buy from you - why should they spend their hard earned cash with someone they have never met and possibly never will. How do you build up trust and rapport online? It is hard enough to do it face to face or on the telephone let alone digitally. There is a way around this and needs you to develop your marketing mix and not forget about the analogue world - the world of people, faces, expressions and hand shakes.
I am also a huge advocate of exhibitions. I have seen the incredible benefits they can bring to small independents as well as multi-nationals. Though you have to pick and choose them carefully and work them into your annual marketing budget the rewards can be financially immense bringing stunning returns on the investment. Experience, from The York Lifestyle Group exhibition and The Living North Home Interiors show, demonstrate that meeting potential and existing customers face to face builds trust and rapport and the resolution of their needs leading to greater value sales, profit margins and repeat business. I strongly recommend you look at potential exhibitions you could exhibit at. Are your competitors there? Get latest visitor figures and their make up - decision makers, buyers etc. Also ask about support form the organisers in regards to marketing prior, during and after the event. Consider cost and work out how many leads and conversions you need to break even and set a target that your team must work toward. But don't go for the hard sell. Just engage personably with visitors but do ask for their details or use a scanner which many exhibition organisers offer for an additional cost. These will give you the name and contact details of the visitors and exhibitors. If you need some more direction give me a call on 01904 632120 / 07884 367177.