Exhaling Success
Image by Grahambedingfield.com Women In The Shade Conference 2024 Kicks Off!

Exhaling Success



#WoCiPBCH WoCiPBCH Women of Colour in Policing were honoured to sponsor and be a part of the exception to the #Norm because something was about to change on the 18th January 2024 and indeed did, when the Women in the Shade Conference birthed its #OwnLegacy with scintillating momentum, much like the ‘Where Were You When..?’ moments.

Heading to #Birmingham flanked with a #28 Strong ‘#Team’ of colleagues, #Staff and #Officers from across;

Bedfordshire Police

#Sam Alexander # SandraSmith Karen-Grace Siriboe #MelissaTudor #LaurenHowitt;

Cambridgeshire Constabulary

#PriceAwuah #JoeWoolf #BarbaraLawrence

Hertfordshire Constabulary

#LatoyahHenry to name a few.

We are thankful to our Chief Constables respectively; #WoCiPBCH Sponsor Chief Constable (CC) #TrevorRodenhurst and Deputy Sponsor Jules Henderson PhD ; CC Nick Dean and CC Charlie Hall Chief EDI #Leads Michelle Leggetter MSt (Cantab) CMgr MCMI Rebecca Tipping Jon Simpson Leads who supported Colleagues to attend through #WoCiPBCH.

BCH Officers/Staff #WoCiPBCH Community Volunteer/Collaborators

Our diverse entourage also included #Collaborators; Michelle Dornelly Suzanne Simmons-Lewis #RovingReporter Althea Marshall BADU CIC #YoungWoCiPInfluencers, #WoCiPBCHCommunityVolunteers, Andrea Smyth #DylisGeorge and more; who came from all over for this spectacularly billed event and in #TheRing were some unassuming #Heavyweights confident in what they intended to deliver, and deliver they #Did.

#WELL! if you were not present, you #Missed something which resembled an #MeteroicPhenomenon only witnessed in person because of the #Audacity of Marcia Ore and Karen Geddes QPM BA (Hons) for to be #ThatBrave- persevering despite the #Struggle against this so #Contraversially named event- and we #WoCiPBCH in support, only witnessed a mere iota of their #Gargantuan uplift to get this event in the public domain. They have risen despite closed doors and ghostly non-responses. These warriors ought to be #Commended. To put this quality, in your face ‘Here I am & what?’ conference together, proceedings opened by the Lord Mayor of Birmingham #ChahamLal who welcomed us all #Warmly to the City; inviting the #Highest esteemed, diverse platform of Speakers & even richer still, #Delegates - with no holds barred conversation, and still with #Respect- was a tremendous feat #Ingegnoso! #Bravo??????

Women In The Shade

The Host

You can tell the #Quality of any event by the leading of #TheHost and we #Doff our caps to the #Spectacular Marverine Cole , stunningly enticing, with sublime skills, creating a space where #AllVoices were heard, even the?#Unspoken. Commanding the premier stage with poise, putting us all, especially #ThePanel at ease. Immense thanks for?#That?special moment with?#MinaSmallman.

Women In The Shade Host

The Event started with prep work the day before; bumping into familiar faces in the town, and in the hotel the night before too. #Hair, #Outfits #Shoes #Slick. The day began with vigorous #Anticipation of what was to come? That satiable desire to be 'fed' from a new menu, the type of which has not been feasted on before. All needs had been thought of, the #Delicacy of honesty in delivery to those who do not normally get to attend events; who may not have access or resources to freely attend; those who need encouragement or to expose those barriers erected, to prevent them from being there in the first place under the #Guise of resourcing something we #Encountered, shared by some from others across Forces.


Last but by no means #Least, those external to Policing but who experience the same #Discriminations and #Marginalisation in their organisations - this conference offered encouragement, upliftment and solutions to those in the room. #Practical ways in which others could take back to their organisations and forces to share on and to confidently #Stand.

Morning panel with

Mischief In The Data

Though impactful to see the #AstonishingData which Mathilda Mallinson #Unapologetically yet, masterfully exposed, apologies... #Shared from a different angle, #UnwittinglyWicked and provocative, as it sought to reveal the #Why? Black Women and those of Colour came out the worst across all data sets, including #PassingInterviews and Boards; the disparities in the numbers causing Forces #Reluctance to share. #Low retention figures and low #Onboarding figures following #Vetting. The inability to see any #Intersectionality though the chatter 'sounds' good. This #Conference sought delve into the systematic negative experiences, #Racism #Mysogyny, #Ableism and of course the #Misyognoir heard in the plethora of #LivedExperiences.

The data #Speaks - it shone more than light on these factors. The #Shade on these atrocious figures, left some #Uncomfortable viewing and sideward motions on seats, in the #Room. Reported openly by #Channel4News #Organisations and #Policing have much work to do - not just the #PositiveAction Teams. As Karen Geddes QPM BA (Hons) echoes like we WoCiPBCH Women of Colour in Policing have repeated time and again, our #InclusiveInterviewPanels must represent all cultures and be able to recognise #Diversity at #Every stage too. This includes #HR.

On all #Platforms from attraction, recruitment and retention including development and promotion in Policing; the struggle in the hierarchy, lack of acknowledgement in the quality we bring, between #Officers and #Staff - #SergeantSandraSmith and I Samantha Alexander , see this commonly, though many internally and externally will say 'I don't see rank' - we in #WoCiPBCH are #Rankless; all are welcome. The Conference felt and represented the fact that rank, though important -because you worked hard for it; was put aside.

Thank you for the #MaleAllyship from many Men in the Conference including Price Awuah Joe W. Wayne B. and other Male support for us in the room!

Male Allyship
Male AllyShip
West Midland Colleague

There were #Firsts - ex and current; across, internal and external to Policing; even amongst our #Youth. Samantha Samuels Tanya Wilkins Wayne B. Coretta Hine Jenny Donaldson Jen Harris BA MA PgCert #HMIWendyWilliamsCBE #EllisseA. our #WoCiPBCH #YoungWoCiPInfluencer - #First BlackFemaleUnder18 to sing with the @RAFMusic and Dr Alison Heydari PhD the #First and #Only Black Female Deputy Assistant Chief Officer in the United Kingdom; modest though, with it.


Thank you Ma'am Dr Alison Heydari PhD for taking the time to be with the youth in our group and the youth officers; for speaking with them and taking photos with them too; it had an impact on us all, - a picture lasts forever, the impact of our #Words, longer still.

We cannot forget the #First WoCiPBCH Women of Colour in Policing #WoCiPBCH #Founded by the inimitable #SergeantSandraSmith

and of course, the #First in the formidable duo #Visionaries #ConferenceOrganisors Marcia Ore Karen Geddes QPM BA (Hons) you have changed this landscape.

The Cotton Field

There must be more #RoleModels but there was also a cry for #YouCantBeWhatYouCantSee to change because you #Can be what you do not see/have not seen. Instead, implored Coretta Hine you can become a #First - like so many we met in the room above.

#HMIWendyWilliamsCBE #WindrushBarrister

Paulette Hamilton #MP so dynamic, a #Plethora of jokes in her lived experience, made you scream with laughter whilst being #Real about the way she had to change in order to grow. Suzanne Simmons-Lewis testified to Paulette's values, drawing the same conclusions which she detailed in her book -do not exchange or swap them.

Paulette bequeathed us with what is such a wonderful analogy of #WhenTheRoomMovesMoveWithThe Room.


This honesty is needed for our own personal journey and accountability. We #Cannot wait for it to be done for us.

These words of #Wisdom are gold for our #YoungPeople and #YoungOfficers #Staff, their journeys beginning or in its #EarlyYears. Watching, listening, now waiting to see the transformation. Forces have been called out - take note.


Simmons-Lewis talks of swapping your #StraightJacket for a #BespokeSuit and you know how sharp #I like to look! Stay connected to your #CoreValues she said, that belief system, speaking to the inner you and #Not apologising for who #You are as #Black Women/Women of #Colour.

The opportunity for our Team to attend and be a part of this #Experience was also about celebrating the Women in the Shade in & out of #TheRoom, from different organisations and Communities. Honoured to be asked to grace the Panel by Marcia Ore and Karen Geddes QPM BA (Hons) you see that they drew from the source of #TenatiousTalent #Excellence #Occupations; for us to have the knowledge and learning of what these figures have contributed over the years, at times in the face of #Adversity.

From all areas, there was opportunities to learn what one could #Specialise in; from the #Gucchi echelons of #JointProtectedServices, #RoadsPolicing, #MurderCrimeUnit, Armed Policing; Professional Standards Department; or elsewhere to across organisations such as #TheNavy and on #Inclusion platforms; including Government. Andrea Reynolds KPM MA Navy Janine Potts MBE Academia Dr Marina Hasan MCIPD MA HRM BBA #TomEllis; the #CordeliaOsewaEdiae; for we do not Police in silo. From Politics to Education, Fire Service, Police Chief Council to Academics, NHS, Adult Services the #Plight was unanimous.


Those who sought to #BeThatChange - hard as it is,continued so that #We can be too.

#Unapologetic was the #Order of the day with #Heapings of #Courage, #Boldness and #Belief, the ingredients needed for this #Journey. We returned the dish of #Exhaustion to the Kitchen. We have had enough. Contraire, #WeAreCertainlyEnough. As we discuss and know that #Colourism also came into play, we expose it and fight on; because as #ArtistPoetLauren Hill states;

"I consider myself a crayon. I may not be your favourite colour; but one day you'll need me to complete your picture' Policing, organisations- needs us."

My analogy of the #CottonField and #ManorHouse will be shared at our next #Sitting just to keep you interested in the #Menu. We are going to need some #Cutlery up in here! #DadLookAtMeNow??????

Women In The Shade Afternoon Panel Members

#SubliminalMessaging is critical and continued #Action is a necessity, for our Youth are watching. How often do #They get to sit in the company of Senior Leaders with the ability to direct their thoughts to them? It’s on #Record. We heard. Attesting that change in the 'system' designed to airbrush us out is vital. The language must change from #Buzzwordery and non-action to #Motion with action. Do more to support the #TraumaImpacted colleagues because the #Challenge is exhausting. We heard how #Uplifters help open doors, but more than not #Blockers cause 'us' to live in constant #FlightOrFright, some with their #ResignationLetters in their bag #QuietQuitters, or are they?

More is needed #KeepUs. #LookAfterOurMinds. This is how we build #TrustAndConfidence. Stop mistaking this for #Resilience as both Coretta Hine Hine and Charmaine Burton pleaded. Be #Available to build that #Village to raise the children - materials and labour are needed too; pick up the tools and not only when there is a #Fire.

We need higher integrity #Accountability - 'what is on the outside of the preverbal #Tin must be on the inside!' The call to make redundant, quotes that have no life but have been adopted to #Pacify inaction. We must not be #DumbedDown. This coupled with #TheData makes for a cocktail of disaster - no improvement across the inclusive platform, indeed no improvement to the #Underrepresentation of Black Women in the Police Force and across other Organisations and it is #2024 someone remarked. So we add emphatically to this growing list - add yours too! No more:

  • #ThePoolIsTooSmallToFishFrom
  • #HardToReachCommunities
  • #TheDripEffect... #ItTakesTime ... 30years on
  • #IDontSeeColour
  • #BlackPeopleDoNotWanttoBeInPolicing??
  • #WhatShallWeCallThem?
  • #YouNowKnowWhatYouDidNotKnow


The Networking was #Contagious, exceptional conversations, full participation throughout every presentation, Q&A, and contributions from the floor. The #RovingMic and #RovingReporter worked hard! I must make special mention of the #InfectiousLaughter across the floor; there are some naturally, immensely #Funny people we had the pleasure to hear from and meet. Jenny Donaldson #cuttingshapes up to the lectern; the #WhisperAndGiggleCrew on the #Lefthandside - you know who you are!

The smile of Wayne B. when he realised this is #Real so he calls out his colleague Samantha Samuels for her splendid work - that #BackUp; what beautiful #Camaraderie. #SergeantSandraSmith who knew she was piling pressure on folk when it was already #AlarmingHot being under those #BrightLights! ..."#TellThemAboutTheCottonFieldsSam" ...mmhmm - hearing everyone belly laugh because they are accustomed to know what #ThatSideEyeLook means!

#WayneBrown #ChiefFireOfficer
#WoCiPBCH Community and Internal Volunteers #Joanna #SamAlexander
Lovely #WestMidlandsColleagues #Networking #WoCiPBCH

#SergeantSandraSmith #WoCiPBCH Colleagues

With everyone engaging and navigating the room, contacts swapped, photos taken with familiar and new acquaintances, the #WoCiPBCH WoCiPBCH Women of Colour in Policing stand was #One of the amazing #Hotspots! and meeting points for #Discussions, #RovingReporters, #VoxPops, and simply, replenishing. With stops at the neighbouring '#WhoAmI?' stand; so popular were the Marcia Ore #Consultancy and Karen Geddes QPM BA (Hons) #TheThinBlackLine stands too, the hullabaloo and buzz captured by National #Channel4News and other local news outlets.

We #WoCiPBCH want to celebrate our #Allies who #StandUp with us, and at times #ForUs too. Some were prominent in the Conference Andrea Smyth #Chaplain Dawn Lewinson MA Ed, LLM Deborah Akinlawon QPM Karen Duckworth MSc Suzanne Simmons-Lewis author of ‘#WhoAmI?’ Michelle Dornelly. Or they were elsewhere, in #Background helping to make magic happen. Darren Lewis Jules Henderson PhD Andrew Marshall Thomas Kingsley

Pride of Britain Winner #MichelleDornelly

Women In The Shade #InTheroom2024

Keynote Speaker

The denouement was hearing from #AMother, stood beside #AFather- #HerHusband in unity, his pain as raw as hers, a very public grief, yet both so humble with their time. #KeynoteSpeaker #MinaSmallman - emotional as I write; I feel her warm embrace, we all did. On the platform vocal calling out injustices, we shudder as we take it in. Speaking to everyone #ALLColours in the room; & with an #Unapologetic, the word of the day - marked acknowledgment to #Black women on knowing #Who they are & admonishing us to #StayVisible #WeAreAllLeadeers; echoing that call to action.

#MinaSmallman with WomenInTheShadeHost #MarverineCole

"Don't you know you are #Enough?" "Stop making apologies". And when your knees are bruised from the falls, scrapped and scabbed, you get up. "I have to, so you can" #Help is at hand. Movingly, Mrs Smallman thanked us (It feels like there is such an unworthiness there) but she thanked us #TheAudience, for giving her #Strength, now if you are not humbled by this, then there just are #No words.

Keynote Speaker #MinaSmallman

This from #MrsSmallman was intentionally personal to your soul. You felt it pierce, whilst rising with it was the courage ablaze from this tragedy, vehement that #She would not give up; vulnerable in admitting ‘I’m broken on the inside by this, I cry’ whilst embracing #Us in a photo op, I felt my legs going #TheRoom shifted, Paulette Hamilton ???? wonderful ; it solidified why we #Must stay the course. #MotherSmallman we thank you. What an exceptional day.

Later in reflection back at the #Hotel with our #Stupendous @WoCiPBCHCommunityVolunteers, we acknowledged this commonality, #SergeantSandraSmith and I felt the spirit of our #Mothers in #ThatEmbrace????

Charity Raffle

Thank you to #Everyone who donated and purchased #RaffleTickets #YOU helped raise £80 to go to grassroots Domestic Violence Charity Nine Red Presents...(cic) - Think Art - Think Therapy - Think Nine Red Presents... Art UnDefined! Much appreciation again to Karen Geddes QPM BA (Hons) and Marcia Ore in collaboration with #BlackBeautyMagazine gifting #WoCiPBCH WoCiPBCH Women of Colour in Policing 10 pairs of ‘Afro Hair & Beauty Live’ tickets & also six fabulous #Hampers - well jealous when we saw the contents!!! Karen Geddes QPM BA (Hons) will email the winners their tickets??

The End...well unto 2025!

The closing and summation of the days event was delivered with #Gutso and #Pizzaz as our Hosts and Conference Visionaries prepared to meet with the #BBC for more interviews on the exemplary day, a first you could say of this ilk. Dancing to their #ThemeTune #SistersAreDoingItForThemselves they roused the audience who let me add, needed no cajoling! #DoItForYourself #YesYouCan!

Women In The Shade Organisers

To be asked to be a part of this journey has been invaluable we have collaborated and engaged across industry and organisations, showing the strength of our reach because together we are better #AuthenticallyWeRiseUp.

#SamAlexander #MarciaOre #SergeantSandraSmith

?Thanks to our #WoCiPCommunityVolunteers Althea Marshall Simran Jaswal Hira Ahmad #AndreaN #JoannaS #ShirleyM #Simran and #Hira

#Bedfordshire, #Cambridgeshire, #Hertfordshire #Officers #Staff #WoCiPBCHCommunityVolunteers #Allies



Esther Wride

Inclusion and Diversity Lead at Avon and Somerset Constabulary

1 年

Thanks for sharing ??

Carol Ann Whitehead FRSA CMgr CCMI

Heritage Operations, Chief of Staff & Committee Chair, The Portico Library ~ Chartered Management Institute Chair WMNW Board, Deputy Chair, CMI Women. Award Winning Mentor, Publisher & Events ~ 50:50 Parliament Trustee

1 年

This looks like a fantastic conference, thanks for the thoughtful window into the event Samantha Alexander. Congratulations to all involved. ????????????

WoCiPBCH Women of Colour in Policing

Direct Call for Action #HerVoiceMatters #OvercomingAdversity and #YouDon’tKnow #WhatYouDon’tKnow #WeGoHarderWeGoStronger, or #GoHome.

1 年

????????????????????????????????????. https://youtu.be/bzLd2MDAHK8?si=nUsfMPV9mmQkWGB_

Karen Duckworth MSc

Section UK - International Police Association

1 年

Wonderfully written, Samantha, completely captures what was a really good day.


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