Exfluency Discover: 6 world-class and publicly available machine translation engines
Machine translation engines have become essential for overcoming language barriers in today's globalised world. They enable efficient and effective communication across borders and cultures.
Are you new to machine translation and looking for publicly available options?
This guide will introduce you to six of the best engines and help you determine which solution best suits your multilingual content production.
Let's dive in!
Google Translate
You are probably familiar with Google Translate. Google Translate is unrivalled when it comes to accessibility and supports 100+ languages. Also, Google offers additional features like text-to-speech and handwriting recognition, making Google Translate a handy tool for anyone on the move. Google Translate is good for translating simple sentences and content containing non-sensitive information or data.
Microsoft Translator
Microsoft Translator is integrated into all Microsoft products and services. Microsoft’s paid API and integration options are solid, making the translator suitable for developers. It also supports a wide range of languages. Microsoft Translator is good if you want to invest in an API or integration option. However, to utilise the engine's full potential, you must work in one of the industries supported by Microsoft and communicate in one of the most spoken languages in the world.
DeepL Translator
DeepL Translator is a major player when it comes to quality MT. The neural machine translation (NMT) engine offers exceptional quality and is often considered one of the best. DeepL supports a variety of languages and dialects and has developed a user-friendly interface and straightforward integration options. As one of the only machine translators, they respect user privacy by providing a solid data protection policy. DeepL is excellent for someone who wants a simple, user-friendly solution and needs high-quality translations between European languages.
Amazon Translate
Moving on to number four: Amazon Translate. Amazon Translate is designed to scale and is commonly used in business applications. It seamlessly integrates with other Amazon Web Services (AWS) and supports a broad set of languages. Amazon offers translation as a service, simplifying developers' implementation and management. It also provides control over data storage and encryption, addressing data privacy concerns. Amazon Translate is a solid choice if you wish to invest in a translation service instead of a translation engine.
ModernMT by Translated
ModernMT by Translated is a promising MT engine that leverages advanced neural network technology. Its adaptive models and collaborative approach allow for high-quality translations tailored to specific domains. Users can actively participate in the training and improvement of the translation models, and ModernMT provides a user-friendly interface and integration options for seamless implementation. ModernMT is still a new player in the field and offers limited language support. But if you are a technical expert seeking cutting-edge translation capabilities, you should explore ModernMT's unique features.
There is a sixth option that combines the best of all the previous five options
Exfluency: The power of five engines
Exfluency is the first readily available translation solution on the market to combine and leverage the power of five NMT engines. We offer AI-powered language solutions and have created an innovative community-driven platform to generate multilingual content for companies of all sizes and industries.
Exfluency combines the strengths of all engines mentioned above - Google, Microsoft, DeepL, Amazon and ModernMT. We have developed the first readily available translation solution on the market to combine and leverage the power of five neural machine translation engines. We offer AI-powered language solutions and have created an innovative community-driven platform to generate multilingual content for companies of all sizes and industries.
Extra features
We added a few extra features to our software.
Hybrid intelligence and data security
First, the AI-controlled workflow always selects already validated data prior to involving MT. You could call it your sixth ‘perfect’ engine!
Second, due to our anonymization algorithm, we claim to be the most data security-aware translation solution on the market. Before a document is processed by Exfluency's Immediate Translation solution, The Exfluency Anonymizer detects and removes data-sensitive words such as names, addresses, and account information and replaces them with anonymization tokens. Never worry about GDPR again.
No loss of formatting
Finally, we offer to seamlessly translate entire documents with no loss of formatting. Save huge amounts of time by drag-and-dropping entire PowerPoint presentations into the platform and getting a translated and formatted, multilingual result in minutes.
The right solution
Exfluency is the right solution for anyone who wants a simple and fast way to get the most accurate MT output with minimum need for further work. Should you want more, the Exfluency Community of subject matter experts need only change 10% of the content to turn good MT-generated translation into a quality end product.
If you want to know more about Exfluency’s solutions, visit our website. You can also sign up for a free trial and test it yourself. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact our sales department.
We hope you found this article helpful and that your road to finding the right machine translation engine for your translation needs has become more straightforward.