Exercises for protecting self
My Dear Friends,
I think many of you are aware that I am religiously following Exercise regime for decades. I have done all sorts of exercises such as walking, running, climbing hills, playing Badminton and last three decades Gym, swimming, Aerobics etc… Simultaneously I was intermittently going for Yoga, Pranayam and last eleven years doing Sudarshan Kriya, Padma sadhana and Meditation etc…
So far, we have not won the battle with Corona. In fact, this has become an alarming situation. I thought let me share with all of you one small technique of Pranayam which I am regularly doing for the last four years. Let us not get involved in the Science of Pranayam and Breathing instead focus on the technique of Pranayam.
Pranayam Stages…
? ? ? Take deep breath prior to chanting every ?
Deep Breaths Five times
Kapalbhati (Abdominal rhythmic movement). To begin with 33 X 3 times with a gap of few seconds after each cycle. You can do 50 x 3 times after sufficient practice of about one month.
Pranayam (Clearing the Airway passage. Left Nostril 10 breaths. Right Nostril 10 breaths)
Nadishodhan Pranayam/ Anulom-Vilom (As shown)* 10 cycles…Left-Right…Right- Left…One Cycle
Bhramari..5 times as shown*
? ? ? 10 times (As shown)*
? ????? ????? ?????
Gentle touch to the eyes and face. Then open the eyes….Be sited for few seconds….
Entire process to be carried out with empty stomach and Eyes Closed.
Please call me any time if you have any query concerning Pranayam technique.
*I have taken one Zoom Class for my relatives from Mumbai, Chiplun, Bangalore and Belgaum about one month ago.
I am not authorised to teach many exercises/breathing exercises which were mentioned above. However, it is confirmed from Dr Vidya Joshi (She trained us at Unnati Yoga Centre), that the techniques of Pranayam can be shared as an experience.
An individual can carry out following exercises without any expenses:
25 each of Surya Namaskar and Squats
25 each of Dips and Squats or 25 each Wall push-ups and squats
Rope Exercises, Spot Running, Marching
Free hand exercises without weights which includes Warm-up, Push ups, Squats, Steps and Calf exercises using small bench, Stretching and Shavasan
We can have Zoom meeting if six to ten members are interested for clearing doubts only for Pranayam.
This is one of the ways to protect oneself apart from preventive medicine.
Dr Ramesh Natu