Exercise your way to good health
Mi'Chaela M.
? Administrative & Project Management Leader | Healing Advocate | Transformational Coach | Reiki Master Practitioner
Exercise, Exercise, Exercise
Are you getting regular exercise? I don’t mean the normal walking you do or the normal errands you run. I mean truly moving your body for maximum impact.
Did you know that according to Science Daily, Lack of physical activity accounts for 22 percent of coronary heart disease, 22 percent of colon cancer, 18 percent of osteoporotic fractures, 12 percent of diabetes and hypertension, and 5 percent of breast cancer?
Well, if not, I want to provide you with some tips to help you improve your exercise routine just a bit, if not, in a major way.
Tip 1: Drink water first thing in the morning to get the blood flowing right after you have gotten out of bed. Then stretch the muscles. Reach to the ceiling, then reach and touch the floor. Do that 10 times.
Tip 2: Do 10 squats, 10 planks, and 10 sit-ups, three times if you can. Something simple, but it works the whole body.
Tip 3: If you have a phone or fit-bit, use the health counter to count your steps. Optimal steps per day are 10,000. But, start from where you are and increase by 100-300 steps every day until you reach your daily goal of 10,000 steps.
Tip 4: Get out in the fresh air and walk. Just walk, breathe, and walk some more. You’ll be amazed at how breathing in oxygen helps the respiratory system, which is vital for any exercise routine.
Get fit, stay healthy and heal well.