The Exercise Truths I Live By
Niels Steeman
I translate the science of performance into result-driven outcomes | Commercial and Marketing Executive | Health and Performance Coach
Is experimentation part of the process??
Seeing how results may change if we throw in a variable (or more) on the base model. Just to keep the creative juices flowing and not falling into the cesspool of boredom.
No need to verify or claim this is something you have never heard of. One degree or a few hours in the gym, and everyone is calling themselves a fitness expert. They are living and breathing muscular epitomes of results with a gazillion exercises in their portfolio.
If you are allowing your social media feed to show posts of this nature, you may notice a similar amount of ladies and gentlemen (read: gazillion) showcasing what you need to do to crack the code. Visually enticing when that six-pack remains hidden or finally seeing those biceps stretching the linen of your t-shirt, we all have saved some of these sweated examples of physique onto one of these devices.
While we need to stand out from the crowd,? the exercise choices they offer come with a sense of scepticism from my side. Not only does this trainer know who you are, and where your weaknesses, tightness and muscular imbalances are located, but the basics are often swept under the carpet.
Cool to keep your elbow there and not shrug, but does it work for me as a person?
This is merely one of the many pitfalls as part of the fitness truths. Personalisation matters.
You are not your neighbour or a fellow model on the other side of the world. They do not know those imbalances while they flow effortlessly from devil's presses to back lunges with single arm hammer curls.
And here lies another caveat. Way too often, these exercise patterns are a sum of a multitude of basic exercises. Without mastering the basics, adding complexity to movement ensures you are 99.9% doomed to fail and probably get injured in the process. Or not seeing any results.
True results come from two major factors when you want to get leaner, stronger, more powerful, and healthier. Consistency and simplicity.?
As if with almost anything in life, you need to be consistently doing the same foundational exercise over and over again until it becomes almost second nature. This can take weeks, even months. It is the sole reason why I still do the same exercises after years of doing them. The same reason why other responsible trainers include repetitiveness.
Your brain needs time to get the feeling of what and how before it connects the dots.?
And with whatever we do to propel our health in the right direction, we think, act, and believe complexity is where it's at. Simplicity is the key to results, not complexity in our exercise patterns.
The term analysis paralysis is something that inundates the world of today because we firmly believe that research is the driving force. We gather more data, have more evidence we know more what this does when we flex the quads. But if you are not yet fluent in the basics, advancing to the next level is almost tagged to "doomed to fail".
I keep my routines super simple and repetitive for weeks in a row.
It is the way to see results faster, more controlled and knowing where my focus is to iron out any deficiencies.?
Most people fail, not because of lack of desire, but, because of lack of commitment. | Vince Lombardi