Exercise the power you have.
Moniyeoluwa Sola-Oyewole, AICMC.
I write about personal development. Ardent Speaker || President of the Bowen Law Students' Society.
We have the power to do things. We can do what we set our minds to do and yet we find ourselves unable to do those very things. It’s something we call Procrastination. We want to do something and lose the ability, nerve, and will to do it.
One of the hardest things to do is actually do things. We can plan, romanticise and create the best spreadsheets for productivity and successfully fail at it completely. I’ve been there, watching hundreds of videos about productivity and self-development while conveniently doing nothing to be productive. An endless and unproductive cycle.
You get lazy, push things till the last minute, rush and do a shoddy job then get angry, pissed or sad about it. Like I said, an endless cycle unless you break it. We have the power to make decisions and it is ultimately the quality of our decisions that determine the kind of life that we live.
When it comes to executing our plans, we can get anxious when we get to the point where we ought to do it or we can overthink so much we refuse to do something that we want to do.
It happens to me all the time. I overthink when it comes to the content that I want to post with all kinds of questions floating through my mind. The key to execution is the key to writing; JUST DO IT.
It sounds like horrible advice...
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