My Spin Life
Spin biking today
06.10 start, thence to hell for 50 mins
Mindset made it through, just
The body does what the mind says
Been doing spin for about a year now, traversing through lockdown, getting my weekly bludgeon.
Contrast with running, the post exercise feelings and euphoria from spin bear no comparison, for me anyway
Leaving the gym I feel incredibly alive
Sensory supersonic
Like I'm in that Bradley Cooper movie
Only I have not introduced anything foreign in to my body like Brad did
I don't know precisely how this happens - biochemically - but I don't really care (the diagram above is not a bad barometer)
What I know is that the pain has a payoff, afterwards
But you cannot short circuit the pain joker. They have to have the laugh along the way to stamp your reward card
Creating your own pool of salty body water on the floor along the way
We have an entertaining spin leader, who quips and toys with minds
Plays eclectic music too
He's a pro
He's a warrior
He's vulnerable too. Yes, vulnerable. He's in touch with his shadow
He said today after second block of three body slams: "There is no way any of you would still be here if you were doing this yourself"
100% correct
I'd be out the door, following my inner voice kop out calls
So if you are still 'thinking' about your 2021 exercise regime. Flip thinking to action. Does not have to be spin, could just be 5% more activity per week than what you are doing now
Go on
Go get your payoff from the joker.