The Exemplar Newsletter: August 2024
Exemplars in Global Health
We provide evidence-based insights from positive outliers to help decision-makers achieve large-scale success.
The following is an excerpt from the monthly newsletter from Exemplars in Global Health, a global coalition of partners on a mission to identify positive health outliers, analyze what makes countries successful, and disseminate core lessons so they can be adapted in comparable settings.
Read on to hear from Niranjan Bose, Health and Life Sciences Managing Director at Gates Ventures. You can also subscribe to The Exemplar to hear more from the program on a monthly basis.
Committing to a better future
Last week, the Sustainable Development Goals Report 2024 was published, showing only 17% of SDGs are on track. Between 2019 and 2022, 23 million more people experienced extreme poverty and 100 million more suffered from hunger. Other SDGs remain stalled as well, including the reduction of maternal mortality and implementation of universal health coverage.
Stark reminders like these are necessary. They sound an alarm for urgent action, new investments, and scaled-up solutions. They also encourage us to examine what is possible. As the SDG report shows, crucial progress is being made in reducing child mortality, improving access to education for girls, and investing in infrastructure for water, sanitation and hygiene. These bright spots prove that when the world commits to action, progress continues.
Exemplars in Global Health focuses on positive strides being made in global health. Whether it’s understanding how Rwanda reduced its under-five mortality rate by 67%, how Brazil’s community health care workers helped the country achieve near universal immunization rates, or how Nepal reduced its stunting prevalence from 70% to 36%, research from our partners shows how one country’s solutions may catalyze progress in others.
With six years to meet the SDGs, there has never been a better time to refocus our attention on what works and commit to a better future.
Exemplars in Global Health’s Managing Director shares top-line takeaways from the 2024 World Health Assembly, highlighting that progress in maternal, newborn, and child health requires strong governance and expanded access to care.
The Global Fund expert explains that event-based surveillance and early warning systems are essential to detect and control disease outbreaks.