Executives can go to prison!

Executives can go to prison!

Hey, quickly sharing the below in case it supports you to demonstrate the impact People Strategy has on the bottom line, and for mitigating critical risks.?

It's all the opportunities and risks, for whom in the C-Suite, for optimising the psychological safety of the workforce.

I'm still transfixed on the prison sentences, which were upheld after an appeal for the France Telecom Executives a few years ago - Reuters Coverage

Always happy to talk about how I can assist.

Vlad-Mihai I ??

HealthUX, CareOps, aiUX, DTx, HRx, VRxXRx, EPRxEHRx, psychologist, coach, mediator, OHS expert, innovation catalyst, entrepreneurship, governance, commissioning, spinoffs, scale-ups, futurist, #jfdi #vuca #bani

5 个月

Corporate manslaughter is a very serious and damaging thing... for all parties


The Burnout Beater - Colin Minto的更多文章

