Executive Producer talks about guidelines investors and broadcast stations has her follow when submitting independent scripts ...
Susan Flanagan, Emmy? Award Winning Writer, Exec. Prod.
BSI Films offers Independents and writers the same professional writing, development, production resources we provide major Hollywood studios, streaming, cable, and broadcast industry clients.
Executive Producer talks about guidelines investors and broadcast stations has her follow when submitting independent scripts ... Click here /https://wp.me/p4ecVd-gY
Funding Feature Films: Investor discusses accepting scripts for review and what information they look for…... click here / https://wp.me/p4ecVd-g9
Investor and EP discuss their process for submitting to investors and broadcast stations... Click here / https://www.bsifilms.com/copy-of-submitting-feature-films-se
Independent films, Investor speaks openly about funding films and getting scripts licensed and produced… click here :https://wp.me/p4ecVd-dD