Anatomy of Communication – Rendering of Emotions
Execution is specific set of behaviors and techniques to be mastered, for competitive advantage
Communication – effective communication – is critical to execution; and, can be best understood in a Sanskrit word: abhīnaya, which means "leading towards" i.e. leading people towards an emotional experience. A compelling abhīnaya is, therefore, necessary to stimulate desired emotions in people to influence them – persuade them to act as we would like them to. Abhīnaya is critical to execution!
Rendering of emotions – communication – involves the following:
1. Gestures
This part of communication is about physical movement of body – subtle body signals that express our emotions when we interact with various people: movement of limbs, facial expressions, how we stand or sit, how we lean, etc. Our physical expressions and gestures could be grotesque or understated, crude or refined. Gestures can be classified as below:
- transactional – when our expressions and gestures react to every word in the communication. In business, this is to be rather minimized and possibly avoided.
- holistic – where we exercise better control and our expressions and gestures are a holistic reaction to entire communication
2. Words
This relates to how communication is done using words: speaking, writing. It is about we expressing our emotions in words. Much of communication rests on words. There is nothing beyond words and surely words are at the beginning of all things.
Depending on our own emotions, some of us may use words to support transactional communication – which may serve as fuel to fire; but, such decisions are best left to the person who is leading such communications.
3. Medium and Presence
This is a way of expressing emotions, moods or personality through dress and attire. This includes body odor. These will differ for gender and organisational roles to be real rather than look artificial.
This also includes carefully choosing an appropriate location for meeting to communicate and medium of communication; and, has a significant impact on the outcome.
4. Physical Manifestation of Emotions
This is not about facial expressions – they are gestures. Emotions manifest themselves through one of the following eight physical reactions:
- Motionlessness – a state of no motion or movement. Stillness – free from disturbance, agitation, or commotion.
- Perspiration – sweating. Strong emotions –anger, fear, anxiety) and recall of past trauma can also trigger sweating.
- Horripilation – goose bumps. It is caused by touch, intense fear – terror, joy, intense anger – rage. It is expressed by bristling of hair on the skin from fear or excitement.
- Swarabheda, change of voice. It is caused by fear, joy, anger, fever, disease and intoxication. It is expressed by a broken and choking voice.
- Vepāthu, trembling. It is caused by cold, fear, joy, anger, touch and old age. It is expressed by throbbing and shaking.
- Vaivarnya, change of color. It is caused by cold, anger, fear, exertion, fatigue and heat. It is expressed by changing color of face and by pressure on the pulse and weakness of the limbs.
- Ashru, tears. It is caused by happiness, indignation, smoke, collyrium, yawning, fear, sorrow, staring, cold and disease. It is expressed by rubbing eyes and shedding tears.
- Pralaya, fainting, loss of senses. It is caused by weariness, swoon, intoxication, sleep, injury and bewilderment. It is expressed by falling to the ground.
Sāttvika abhīnaya is possible only if we feel our emotions within. Sāttvika abhīnaya should not be faked - it is important to be authentic so as to elicit an empathetic response.
Communication, in practice, is an imitative rendering of our own emotions to stimulate emotions in people
It is important to note here that emotions will differ with gender, role in organisation and personality – consequently, communiation will be different for different people in a team.
_dyzrupt's Axcelleration Framework has achieved pathbreaking accelerated growth in Government sector, Global 500 corporations, and startups — optimising capital deployment for where it is needed, and human efficiencies and focus. Strategy is only 1% of the work —99% is Aligning, which requires understanding emotions, to be able to communicate effectively. "You" are the protagonist — unless people look up to your leadership, nobody is listening leave alone getting influenced. It is all about "you".