Executing the Forrest Gump Principle
Happy Day Beautiful People!
Today, I wanted to share some really hot information. I was sitting here thinking the best way to energize you this hump day, and came up with an idea. So this is how you hump it today...
From the time Forrest Gump was a little boy, there were always others teasing, mocking, and poking fun at him, yet Forrest wasn't too much bothered about that, he kept his head up and his eyes laser beam focused precisely on his target!
You see, it wasn't that it didn't hurt Forrest that his peers did not respect him, appreciate him, or see his value. It wasn't even that he did not get upset because others failed to see his potential. But Forest believed in himself and he knew that no matter how difficult it was to reach his goal, he was going to get there and he ran with determination, tenacity, and courage.
Forest took the negativity from others and transmuted it into positive energy and used it as fuel to run faster and faster. Some felt he was handicapped, but in truth, Forest made no excuses for the challenges in his life. He decided early on that no matter what the struggle, his desire to reach his goal was much greater than the difficulty factor that it might take to reach it.
Forest took on an attitude that, "Life is like a box of chocolates," and not matter how bitter people tried to tell him it was, he made a choice to taste its sweetness, and gloriously won at the "Game of Life."
So, beautiful and sweet souls out there, this hump day run that marathon to win it, and make no excuses for the hurdles you might have to jump! Do it with precision, courage, determination, perseverance, and more importantly with HEART and a state of mind that YOU WILL UNDOUBTEDLY WIN!
Peace, Love, and Light
Atiya, the MUSE
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