Executing The Basic Idea
Shubhanshi Gupta
Quantitative Aptitude, Logical Reasoning, Data Insights Expert | Coaching for Admission Tests with Empathy | Mindfulness Practitioner
So now it turns out that the idea remains the same- which is to be totally honest to myself in every thought I entertain and execute, whoever and whatever the thought is about. The basic idea is to logically analyze and just observe my mind as it processes each thought. And try to see what reasons I'm giving myself and/or accepting in exchange for each thought I let in my subconscious. I'm glad I'm clear about how this is gonna work for me.
I'm actually working on trying to figure out how to make my thought process work in a better way. In this series of articles that I'll be writing on LinkedIn, I'm gonna pursue explore my journey to the nine dots prize 2023 'Why the rule of law has become so fragile?' while keeping it centered in light of understanding mental health and maintaining good mental hygiene.
I'm planning to use all my best resources that I've curated over the last several years, including text articles, audio podcasts, videos from dedicated youtube channels, and the best websites I could find.